Blueberry is often confused with her forest girlfriend - blueberries, but unlike the last, blueberries does not paint hands and tongue. Blueberries is very sweet taste, and thanks to the efforts of breeders, many varieties are distinguished by frost resistance and high yield. So the blueberry is another decade ago that was in the wonder, now firmly settled in the country areas along with raspberries and strawberries.
Like many forest plants, blueberries prefers acidic soils, so it is worthwhile to take a separate place in the garden. Pull the site where you plan to plant bushes. If the soil on the site is not sufficient enough, then enter the top peat, sawdust, chew, sulfur. You can also shed a section with water with the addition of oxalous, lemon or malic acid. Does not hurt and complex mineral fertilizer. Get out of 1 meter wide width and 20-40 cm deep depending on your blueberry or ordinary.
Blueberry seedlings Squeeze at a distance of 0.7 meters from the nearest neighbors. The root neck of the plant can be deepened by 5 cm. If you have a sapling pot in a pot, then lower it with a pot into the water for 15-20 minutes, then carefully pull together with the earthen one of the pot. If they are solid, and the roots are braided around, carefully crush with their hands, and root straightens - so the plant is better attached, because it is hard to break through the solid ground with small roots.
Blueberry does not make cold winds at all and is generally sensitive to temperature differences, although there are many frost-resistant varieties. Choose a landing space - solar and wind-protected. After you planted and poured seedlings, you need to pour blueberries and climb the earth around. It is best to use a needle or sawdust - they will also support the necessary soil acidity. Another way to hold the moisture content and the acidity of the soil is landing around the blueberry bushes of Moss. By the way, in the natural blueberry environment exactly and grows.
During the growing season and fruction of blueberries, it is in dire need of timely irrigation, as well as in protection against wind, as it has a rather weak root system. Thoroughly step the land around blueberries - as weeds are the worst enemies of young blueberry seedlings. Conduct regular loosening of the Earth around - this will improve soil aeration.
Young bushes of blueberries do not require trimming, but once every 5-6 years it is necessary to update the branches, since for 10 years the berries begin to flame if the pruning does not produce. Print over two years so as not to lose much in the crop: per year cut some of the old branches, and the next year delete all the others. Blueberry can and need to fertilize mineral fertilizers, but it does not tolerate the organic.
Garden varieties of blueberries fruit very plentifully, berries are hanging in real bunches. Berries ripen undisigned, so the harvest sometimes continues the month. The berries of the first and second fees are very large and sweet - they are better to eat fresh, but the subsequent processed on the processing: jams and jams.