How to plant sea buckthorn

How to plant sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn is a very useful plant in the garden plot. Bright orange berries have a sweet sour taste, they are used for medicinal purposes. The sea buckthorn is planted for fastening the sands, road slopes and can serve as a lively elevation.

Two types of sea buckthorn are distinguished: the sea buckthorn is a multi-tapping shrub, which has a medicinal and decorative meaning; Sea buckthorn is an iris - a wooden plant that is rising in areas with rocky soil, near rivers and water lodges.

Severate sea buckthorn in the early spring on a well-lit place, where spacious and a lot of air. Preferably - on sandy soils with good aeration. When landing on dense soils, loose material, such as sand, gravel, slag, broken brick add to the landing pit.

The landing pit is prepared by a depth of 40-50 cm, a diameter - 70-80 cm. Must fertilize the landing site. 300 g of phosphate fertilizers contribute, mixing in advance with the soil.

Before landing, the root buckthorn system is carefully examined, broken and encouraged roots are removed. The resulting wounds are cleaned with a sharp knife and treated with a clay bolt.

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Seedlings sea buckthorn plant for 2-3 cm deeper than they grow in the nursery. When landing the roots neatly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe pit and fall asleep with a mixture of cuts, sand and soil from the plot. The earth falls asleep to the root cervix.

After planting the soil slightly tamper. Around the planted seedling make a hole and are abundantly watering with water, about two buckets.

Sea buckthorn - a downtime, pollinated by the wind. Therefore, there are several copies of female trees in close proximity to the male tree sea buckthorn. For good pollination, the trees are planted at a distance of 1 to 10 m.

It is not necessary next to the sea buckthorn to plant other plants, since with the Packet of the Earth there is a chance to hurt the root buckthorn system, and the plant can dry and die. Under all the conditions of landing and departure, the harvest will be matured annually, and the trees will remain healthy.

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