How to plant a pine

How to plant a pine

Beautiful green pine on the plot - what can be more beautiful! In the summer, near her, it is pleasant to sit and breathe with resinous air. And in winter, pine can be decorated with garlands and toys, to celebrate the New Year.

Pine can well be grown on its site, however, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules. Pine is better not to buy in the store where they are sold in containers. As experience shows, such a tree are very bad.


It is best to plant a very early pine in the spring as soon as the earth fills. In order for the green beauty for sure to take on your site, it is better to dig a sapling in the forest. In the forest you need to go with the compass. Mark the branch, which grows towards the south and, when the time comes, plant a tree in the courtyard of the house, this same branch must be focused strictly south.

Pine with hand

In the forest it is worth choosing a small village, no more than 40-50 cm high. Spazing is needed very carefully so as not to damage the roots, while trying to keep an earth's comer around them. In the ground near the roots there are specific forest mushrooms and microorganisms that are responsible for pine growth. If the tree is brought home without forest land, it will hurt for a long time.


A pit for planting pines you need to dig by 10 cm deeper and 20 wider than the size of the earth coma. At the bottom of the pit it is necessary to put drainage from gravel, sand or broken bricks. Pine must be placed in the prepared pit together with an earthen room, and the voids that remained on the sides, fill out ordinary earth, mixed with sand in the ratio of 1/1. The root cervical seedman should perform over the ground by 10 cm.


Pine is a very unpretentious plant and do not need feeding. The only one when landing in the pit you can add a handful of nitroposki. This is a comprehensive fertilizer for young plants. After the pine is planted, it is necessary to pour it very well.


After watering into the formed wins, you can shine sand or forestry. Around the planted tree it is necessary to lay a large pebble or pieces of wood bark. A kind of mulching will not give the soil to quickly disperse and at the same time will provide oxygen access to roots. You need a young pine to water once a week until it starts the growth of branches. Then watering can be reduced.


If at least one conifer tree grows on your site, then you will certainly plant a few more pieces. Fresh air, pleasant pine smell, evergreen needles, which looks great at least hot summer, at least in winter.

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