How to put watermelon

How to put watermelon

Watermelon as southern culture is particularly demanding of warmth and sun. This berry is attractive, rich in folic acid, potassium, fructose, magnesium and vitamin C. She perfectly quenched thirst and stimulates a good mood. This sweet berry can grow on your summer cottage, the main thing is to properly prepare it for landing.

  We take seeds and soaked them in a light solution of manganese. We leave for 20-30 minutes for disinfection. After that, the seeds are deployed and rinsed.

  On a piece of cotton, we put gauze on top, and lay it on her seeds. We cover the seeds with another layer of gauze from above and put cotton wool again over it. All this is abundantly watering with water and leave in this state for 3-4 days, continuing to ensure that the march does not drive. After 3-4 days, good roots appear on the seeds. This suggests that they are time to plant them in the ground. We take ordinary plastic cups, make holes in them for outflow of excess water and fill their land. Earth for seedlings to prepare from ½ part of the purchase land and ½ garden land with the addition of a small amount of wood ash.


  Next, a fully filled with a glass of cups, we water the water so that the earthen comes well so impregnated and tamper. Excess water will be pulled through previously performed holes. Earth-020.

  In the middle of the cup, we make holes on a depth of 2 cm and gently placed the deepening of the seed, gentle root down. We close the earth and pour water again. Clamps with a sediment put in a warm and sunny place and wait for the appearance of the first seedlines, 3-5 of the real sheets. The open soil seedlings are planted at the occurrence of permanent heat, usually the beginning of June.

Watermelon seedling_PreView_22_03_2011_12_23_28.

  Watermelons are planted from each other at a distance of 70 cm. Deepened wells are made, which are filled with humus, sand, ash, fertilizer with trace elements. If growing   in the open soil, it is better to choose the places where the most sun and heat - neither shadow nor the half of the watermelon takes out.


You can remove the fruits after 70 days. Having tapping on the watermelon and having heard a ring and tight sound, a berry can be broken and enjoying it in a unique taste.

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