How to plant Brussels Cabbage

How to plant Brussels Cabbage

Brussels Cabbage is incredibly useful, especially for those who observe the diet. It does not require much care and can grow by itself. The only "but" - a crop of cabbage falls on late autumn.

This kind of cabbage loves fertile soils, but never plant it where white-baked cabbage grew up, as they have a common pest and diseases. Time for landing Brussels Cabbage - mid-April. For a start, domestic events are harvested in cups, which in early June land in an open air into the ground. It is better to harvest the ranks with a distance between future plants 50x50 cm. You don't need to look like a cabbage, as the nochangs appear at the base of the stem.

It is important at the stage of compaction of the kochanchikov to sign the tops of the kidneys on the stems. Such a procedure will allow you to grow large and dense knockers. Brussels cabbage loves solar places and abundance of moisture. However, it can move both the lack of water, due to its powerful root system.

With the arrival of autumn and the first colds of the Liste of Brussels, the cabbage will yellow, it will be a sign that the kochenians sucked. You need to cut the stem together with the nomads under the root.

To maintain freshness cabbage, Kochancans must be stored in plastic packets at a cool temperature +1 degrees. In this form, they may be contained about 2 months.

From Brussels Cabbage you can cook delicious samples, salads, cook saules - and all this is incredibly useful and tasty.

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