How to plant Leschin

How to plant Leschin

We all love hazelnuts, in common man - Forest nuts. But not everyone knows that the botanical name of the bush, on which these sweet and delicious nuts grow, Leschina.

In order for the hazelnut to not buy on the market or in the store, and it is pretty decent, you must grow it in my garden. And then they can be eased all year round. The album grows well if there is a similar bush next to it. At a distance of two or three meters from each other, even more bushes can be planted. Such a landing will ensure cross-pollination, which will provide an opportunity to get larger than nuts.


Several young bushes can be digging into the forest or buy a local grandmother on the market. If the Summy gathered to go to the forest, then take a compass with you. Any wild shrubs and trees are better to plant oriented as well as in the wild. The branches that were directed to the south, in your garden should watch there.


Pereparing the flash is best in the fall, when the leaves are yellow-red. Choosing from a variety of young bushes, stop your choice on those growing in the sun. It is on them in the future there will be many nuts. To the Earth, the album is absolutely not demanding, the main thing is that the site where it will grow, was not marshy.


A pit for landing It is necessary to dig up a little more of the Earth Coma, with which the bush will be delivered home. Side cavities in the pit around the planted bush can be fill in even the ground from his garden, even a forest. Immediately after planting a bush, it is necessary to pour well, even if it rains at this time.


No matter how decorative the new dwellings of your garden, all the bright autumn leaves should be cut off on the second day of planting. It is not worthwhile to cover the bush for the winter, because in the forest he has grown and not frozen. Conditions for living In your garden, the Slavs can be the most "Spartan", but if the bushes sometimes water, especially in dry summer, they will give nuts much more than without watering.


If you want to make a green hedge from the flask or disguise as an unsightly structure, then you can no longer go to the forest. In early spring, several branches of the sprayed flake can be copied to the ground with metal U-shaped brackets, and this place is good to pour out the ground. Until the autumn, such drags should be regularly watering so that they have a good root system. To accelerate the rooting of the drain on the lower part, the raised ground, it is necessary to make several shallow notes with a knife. The top of the groove leaving the ground must be tied to the vertical support. In autumn, young bushes can be separated from the uterine bush and plant along the fence along the same technology that is described above.


Flowers Leshina before the leaves are blooming with long velvet earrings and its flowers are excellent honey. If you have a few hives at the cottage, you will definitely plant the flavory. Transparent fragrant honey with forest nuts - what can be tastier.

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