How to plant lemongrass

How to plant lemongrass

Lemongrass Chinese - long-term liana with unique properties. If you have low pressure, then this liana is necessarily needed to you in the country - because its juice of its berries has a tonic effect and increases pressure. By the way, those who have a high pressure, the lemongrass will also help - the fact is that it has a double action. Juice and flesh of berries increase pressure, and seeds are lowered. For medium latitudes, this is a rather rare plant, but it grows in abundance in the Far East.

If a lemongrass grows in your region in vivo, it can be transplanted directly from the forest. But for this you need to make sure that the plant will be able to be fron in the garden in itself. The fact is that the lemongrass is one-bedroom and dowomous, that is, on Liane there can be flowers of one floor or two. Accordingly, the plant is either a partner of the opposite sex, or it can be fruitful in itself. To do this, in the period from August to September, find in the forest Lian Liannnik with berries and preferably growing alone. Remember the place and either immediately cut the cuttings, or leave it until spring.


If your region is found only in culture, its saplings can be purchased from hand or in a special gardening. The second option, of course, is preferable. Again, you need to get the acquired grade of the lemongrass to be capable of self-polling, therefore it is safer to take in a proven place.

The lemongrass multiplies with seeds, cuttings and decodes. The most time consuming method is the cultivation of a lemongrass from seeds, which also requires stratification. The glasses are slightly simpler, especially if the neighbors already have a liana, and in order to make a tan, do not need to go to the forest. Well, the easiest and most common method - reproduction with cuttings. The first 3-4 years of the lemongrass develops extremely slowly, but then the growth of Lian accelerates sharply.


When buying a lemongrass seedlings, pay attention to the root system - it should not be dry, otherwise the likelihood is that the lemongrass does not fit on the site. Choose a landing place in the sun, although the plant is shadowfully, but still loves the sunlight. Drop the pit of the depth of half the meter, fill it with a mixture of soil from the garden with humus and plant a seedling. Since the root system in the lemongrass is quite superficial, make sure that the upper land is always moistened. Water Liana carefully until it arrives. If you see that the leaves are folded in the lemongrass - it means that the roots dry up - immediately pour and inspire the land.

Lemongrass align

The lemongrass should not fertilize either mineral fertilizers, neither more fresh manure, but the plant will perceive with gratitude to the ripening organic. By the way, if you pour up the humus at the end of the summer, it can also help the lemongrass to fall. Although this plant is generally cold-resistant and perfectly winter even in the conditions of the Far East.


From a three-year-old, the lemongrass needs a support, otherwise he will grow by a low fluttering bush and will not be fruit. Someone lemongrass arranges as decorative Liana, but if you want to collect it and harvest, then you should make a strong support, in which the lemongrass can climb up. Crop the lemongrass rarely, in order to form a liana, or to save it from old branches. Do not do this in the spring, you are very weakened by the plant.

Support - trim

Lemongrass - a truly unique plant, in its useful properties, he will give only legendary ginseng. Lamyonnaya berries can be used to prepare jam, beverages, syrups, medicines. It also uses its leaves and branches - usually dried them and add to tea to enhance the toning effect.

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