How to grow lemongrass

How to grow lemongrass

Lemongrass is a beautiful liana, powdered gazebos and arches. The plant brings useful fruits that are used to treat many diseases. To raise a lemongrass in my site, you need to know some secrets.

Lemongrass prefers forest soil, so you will have to mix the soil with peat. You can grow liana from a seed or root escape. To grow a lemongrass from seeds, they should be placed in water for several days. It is enough 4-6 days to withstand seeds in the liquid. After that, at a seaside garden, make a deepening and put the blanks into it. Prepared seed planted before the first frosts.

To prepare the basics, mix the peat with sand and seeds. Place the container in the room with air temperature + 15 ° C and leave for a month. After the time expires, the container is removed in the refrigerator. Seeds should be at a temperature of + 5 ° C 30-32 days. Then it is worth moving the box to the room with an air temperature + 10 ° C and wait until the seed sprouts. After 2-3 sheets are formed, the sprout can be transferred to open ground.

How to grow lemongrass

Remember, the lemongrass grows very slowly, so 2-3 years of seedlings will be on trial bed. Before falling down a young lemongrass, be sure to pick the most suitable area. It is impossible to plant a plant on the sun lawn, in such conditions it will die. In the forest, the lemongrass grows in the shade, so it is necessary to feed it with humus and plant it and planting near the trees that can serve as a support.

Watering Lian needs often and prevent complete soil drying. You can from time to time to the soil humid or universal fertilizers. This plant is not additive and does not require trimming branches. For the winter, Liana is not removed from the support, they are finely tolerated cold. Take care of the lemongrass standing in the spring, during return freezers, the culture may die.

How to grow lemongrass

Grow Lian from escape will turn out faster, for this dig an adult person out of the ground and separate the root part of the root with young sprigs. Pereure cuttings to the ground and often water. Most of the shoots are perfectly leaving, but with a late separation of the process will flow juice. This process is impossible to stop, and liana dies. Be sure after the transfer of the plant to its permanent place, you must install support. The lemongrass grows perfectly and without it, but in this case it does not bloom and does not be fruit. Escape landing is carried out early in spring. At this time, be sure to water the plant.

How to grow lemongrass

Pruning the extra branches must be carried out in summer or in the fall. In the spring time, Liana "cry", which strongly depletes them. Therefore, to avoid the death of the culture, remove the extra branches after the leaves fee.

How to grow lemongrass

Before winter, the lemongrass is not worth covering, in natural conditions it is perfectly worried about the most tall frosts. In no case do not remove the leaves from under it, leave them for the winter. The breeders recently removed several special varieties of lemongrass, but in our climatic conditions, wild liana is growing perfectly and fruits.

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