Liana hooks, how to grow

Liana hooks, how to grow

Liana Hopleria timing (honeysuckle honeycomb) is a long-term, curly shrub with magnificent, rouse flowering and a gentle aroma. The hood is widely used as a landscaped decor, which is capable of turning the gazebo or arch in the designer masterpiece.

The honeysuckle will delight the gardener not only delicious inflorescences, but also unpretentious. The plant is perfectly leaving in any land, loves the shadow, and the sun. In dry, the hot period does not start and will not be echo, but moderate watering and feeding will increase the number of flowers and give a saturated shade. In addition, Liana grows rapidly: with good care for 1 year, the bush "spreads" to 2 meters. And the honeysuckle honeriflation is famous for varieties of varieties, frost resistance and different period of flowering from the middle of spring and to the first frosts. The color of the inflorescence varies from the gentle-milk to the dark red. An insignificant minus of Liana is a short blossom of about 3 weeks, but then the hooking will be elegant thanks to red berries on the site of each flower. Fruits are not edible due to unusual taste, but not poisonous.

The honeysuckle is breeding the honests of seeds, cuttings and grains. The process of growing from seeds is very long, one seed gives a sprout to a year, so we will stop at convenient ways. Most gardeners advise multiply hooks with letters. To do this, dig a shallow trench and immerse the young Liana escape there. Cover the land of interstice, and leave the leaves on the surface, pour. The rooting occurs very quickly, just do not forget to moisturize the soil. A new plant will grow from each nodule.

Who wishes to breed the honeysuckle, there is a somewhat complicated way. First you have to circumcise the twigs after flowering. At every cutle, there should be at least two intersals. Then the lower sheets are broken, and the upper shock. The prepared branch is placed in a water bottle for germination or directly into the soil. When landing, the cuttings are plugged so that the earth is for a couple of centimeters above the root neck. After moisturizing the ground and covered with a film. Every day, young shoots spray. As soon as the leaves are blooming on the branch, the film is cleaned. If you exhibit a cutlets in a jar, then spray the roots with a stimulating mixture before planting. You can find it in stores for gardeners.

In the spring, young plants planted in an open ground. The soil is better to fertilize with humus and not allow drying. Immediately put a support near young plants, since Liana hooding is very much. Mesh or any vertical devices are perfect. For the winter, the soil near the roots of young Lian mulch with fallen leaves or hay, and branches are cut. Over the years, the beautiful bush does not require careful care and easily transfers wintering without additional insulation.

The honeysuckle hurting will delight no one ten years of gorgeous bloom with proper care. We advise you to plant a plant near the fences to get a beautiful vibrant hedge. On the video, an experienced gardener will tell a few nuances of cultivation.

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