How to grow actinidia

How to grow actinidia

Aktinidia is a liana, combining simplicity in care, decorativeness and annual fruiting. The fruits of this Lianana are delicious and useful, they are also called Northern Kiwi - they are really relatives. Nevertheless, Aktinidia has not yet been widespread in Russia. But if you decide to grow this liano on my site, it will not require much difficulty.

By purchasing liana seedlings, note that the root system is completely covered with damp ground. Young seedlings have a very fragile root system if it suffers during transportation and landing, the plant will most likely die or will be very wounded in the future.


Aktinidia - the plant is digestively, so be sure to acquire the lianas of female and male. In appearance, they are absolutely the same, so without consulting a specialist can not do. For this reason, it is better to contact a specialized store or garden farm, and not buy Lian from the hands. Aktinidia can also be brewed and seeds, but the way from landing to fruiting will then take two times more time.


No special preparatory measures landing actinidia does not require, this plant is unassuming. Drop the two trenches with a depth and half of the half meter, between them back near the meter, make drainage, Make the earth by humus and gently plant the plants into the soil. Make an excavation hill in advance inside the trench, put a seedling from the ground on it, sat down the ground and compact.


Aktinidiy prefers halftime, but at the same time a rich crop of fruits will be only if in the summer there is quite a lot of sunny days. While Liana will take off, cover it with a special cloth, which will protect the plant from the sun. During the growth and development of actinidium in need of watering, loosening, weeding and mulching of the Earth. For the winter, actinidia needs to be covered with palace foliage. Every year it makes sense to pruning - remove young weak shoots, leaving only the strongest, but do not do this in the spring. From the spring trimming actinidium begins to "cry" and may even die.


Many actinidias, among other things, play a decorative role, there are varieties whose leaves are painted in different colors and look rather original. Make a support or a few that actinidia gets around them. Also Liana can be planted near the gazebos, pergolas or ladies, and she will decorate the interior and landscape of your garden, seeing the construction of escapes.

Colorict trim

The harvest of actinidia - the lesson is long, as the fruits ripen unevenly. But they can be disrupted by more solid, in the warm room they quickly ripen. Actinidia's fruits are very useful - they contain 3 times more vitamin C than black currant and 13 times more than citrus. To compete on this part with Aktindia can only rosehip.

Crop fruits

Having planted actinidia at the cottage, you will not only get an excellent decorative liano, able to decorate any corner of your garden, but also provide yourself and the entire seven inexhaustible source of vitamin C.

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