How to grow Melissa

How to grow Melissa

At least the birthplace of lemon Melissa are warm southern countries, this plant is perfectly rushing in the middle lane. There are several ways to get Melissa in the garden plot - direct sowing seeds to the ground, with the help of pre-cultivation of seedlings or division and transplantation of an already growing bush.

Pick up a place to plant a plant. For the production of Melissa's essential oils, light is needed, so it will be better than the best of all, a place-protected place with scattered sunlight. On direct solar rays into a strong heat, the plant can get burns, and in the thick shadow of the trees will lose aromatic properties.

Prepare the land for landing in the fall. Speak about 30 cm to a depth, burst, remove the roots of weeds and support it with a manure, humus or ash. If you prepare the ground in the spring, use only ash for fertilizer. Melissa grows well in weakly acid or neutral soil.

Seedlings prepare in mid-April. Use for the Earth as feeding nitrogen fertilizers. Seed seats at a depth of no more than 5 mm. Spray the Earth as drying. The sprouts appear to discharge 4-5 cm so that they do not interfere with each other to grow. Saplings require a lot of light, highlight the solar window sill in the apartment for them.

Research in the garden land in the middle or late May, when the danger of frosts passes. The same time is suitable for sowing seed into the ground. Pere out the seedlings so that the distance between the plants is about 30 cm. Water Melissa as needed, regular weeds regularly. For the winter, it is best to spray bushes with foliage, so that the plant can withstand the winter.

When Melissa reaches the age of 3-4 years, it can be searched by dividing the bush. At the beginning of the summer, you hurt a few side processes to the ground and plant the earth. Regularly water the plant so that the branches will be launched roots into the ground. The next spring will transfer the appears in a new place.

Early spring can be divided and the Kush Melissa himself. Drop part of the bush and eat in the right place, pre-breaking and propuls the selected landing ground. The number of shoots in the separated part should be at least 4, so that the plant be able to put roots in a new place. Regularly water the transplanted plant before the emergence of new shoots.

Remove the harvest of melissa shoots no more than three times during the summer. Slicing the shoots of the plant, leave the untouched bottom of the stems at a distance of at least 10 cm from the ground so that the plant can quickly recover. Keep Melissa in a lack of form no more than three months. With longer storage, it will lose its aromatic properties, since the essential oils contained in it will be destroyed.

For growing Melissa, it is not necessary to have a garden plot. The plant is perfectly rooted in the apartment in the presence of a balcony or a light windowsill. Plant Melissa Seeds immediately in a pot or transferred to the prepared seedlings. Moderately watering the plant and ensuring sufficient lighting, you will have a juicy and fragrant leaves at hand.

Melissa is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Its fragrant shoots add to meat and fish, soups and salads. Tea with Melissa has a wonderful relaxing and soothing effect. With proper care, the bush of this utility plant can live on a plot of more than 10 years.


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