How to grow Physalis

How to grow Physalis

Physalis is quite rare can be found in the country areas. This plant loves heat, light and moisture. Physalis has more than 100 species that are mainly growing in American tropics and subtropics. Physalis Franch is most common in Russia. His distinctive feature is an orange-red cup, resembling a Chinese flashlight that envelops the fruit. Also enjoy popular vegetable physalis, strawberry physalis, raisin phizalis.

Physalis is well withstanding low temperatures up to -30 ° C. It is not whims for the location, but it will be better to bloom in sunny places.

All the varieties of Physalis can be grown from their own seeds. Seying seeds need not deeply (1 cm) in the pot. They are very small, therefore it is impossible to allow nuts of sowing. Do it better in the second half of April. After the onset of stable heat, the seedlings must be planted into the open ground.

Best Physalis Predecessors: Cabbage, Bean and Cucumbers. It is impossible to plant a Physalis after pepper, potatoes and eggplant. Since autumn, it is necessary to make in the ground, where the Physalis will grow, peat or overwhelmed manure (4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 m²).

A week before the seedlings landing, you need to dwell the Earth 15 cm deep and it is good to grind it. For plants you need to do well, in each of which add nitrogen fertilizers. The distance between the holes should be 50 cm, between the rows of 70 cm. It is necessary to plant seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening, with plenty of watering before planting. To deepen it follows to the first real leaflet and pour.

You can plant fizalis seeds directly into the ground. Make a strong manganese solution and hold seeds there. LOOK FISALIS seeds should only be in cultural soil. A week later the first shoots will appear.

Physalis needs not often, but abundantly water, periodically loose soil and cut forward. Fertilize the plant is necessary for complex fertilizer added to water water. The first time you need to do during flowering. The second time - when fruits will be formed. The third feeding is necessary in 2-3 weeks after the second. As a fertilizer, you can use a bird litter: 1 part of the litter on 10 parts of water.

High varieties of Physalis must be taped. So that the plants have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather, in August, it is necessary to add the tops of the Physalis.

You can store Physalis until spring on the windowsill, putting the fruits right in the cups in the cardboard box.

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