How to grow Floxes

How to grow Floxes

Flox is a fragrant, long blooming perennial. He has many paintings and unpretentious in cultivation. But still there are some nuances. Phlox multiplies in several ways: you can grow from seeds, multiply with cuttings, and the easiest is the division of an adult bush on the part.

We choose the landing site and prepare the soil. Flox prefers light or feverish places of landing with fertile, light neutral acidity ground and good moisture. The depth of processing (loosening) of the Earth is at least 30 cm. We introduce compost and complex mineral fertilizers, such as superphosphate. Very good when piping to saturate the earth Wood ash - it will prevent many diseases of Flox.

Floxes can be treated and multiply throughout the entire flower life cycle. Spring landing is considered the most optimal and provides fast rooting. But Flox is late with blossoms for 2-3 weeks. When choosing the planting material (or when dividing the bush), we look at the root system and on the stems. In one Delleka there should be 3-4 well-developed stems and young roots that cut before planting.

Summer landing is beneficial to the fact that you will be confident of the fortifications of Flox. But requires abundant irrigation daily, twice a day until the plant is completely rooted. When buying planting material, watches the roots to be fresh, not weathered and not dry. Inflorescences cut off. It is advisable to pronounce a plant.

Autumn landing is carried out after the end of flowering, at the end of September-October. Stems and leaves do not remove, cut only the ships only. Autumn landing guarantees timely flowering next year.

For landing (regardless of the time of year), we make a landing alert of this size so that the root system in it is placed freely. Fill it with water.

When the water was absorbed, we lower the seedling into the pit, we are putting the roots and fall asleep so that the upper boundary of the rhizoma was 3-5 cm below the ground level, and shut away! Pour again. In the event of a shrinkage of the Earth, we are swaying a small amount again. Watering is carried out during the first week after a transplant daily, further 2-3 times a week.

After rooting, feeding is carried out once a week. This may be a solution of a cowboat or a bird litter, complex mineral fertilizers.

We also do not forget the weeding from weeds, soil looser and mulching (peat, straw). Warming for winter phlox does not require.

In compliance with these simple rules, Flox will delight you with abundant flowering, large and lush caps of inflorescences!


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