How to grow chrysanthm

How to grow chrysanthm

Bright and motley chrysanthemums please us with their blossom to deep autumn. These flowers are so diverse and beautiful that the desire arises to grow them on their own and admire every year. To grow chrysanthmore, it is not necessary to be an advanced gardener, because it is easily rooted with cuttings straight out of a bouquet.

Prepare cuttings before boarding. Wait for chrysanthemums in the bouquet, remove the leaves and inflorescences. Page the top of the cutter and keep it in water, it is possible to plant it only after the appearance of the roots. Chrysanthemums feel well in flower pots, and in the open soil. Capacity for the plant should be quite large - at least 28 cm in diameter. If you decide to plant chrysanthemums in the garden or a parisader, then the place for growing should be quiet, without drafts, wind, well lit.

Suitable soil for chrysanthemums is neutral or weakly acidic. When planting the stuffs in the open ground, provide grooves for the flow of extra moisture. If chrysanthemum will grow in a pot, then on the bottom, put small pieces of clay or bricks. Before planting the soil, spins with plenty of water and enrich mineral fertilizers. Feed chrysanthemums recommend at least two times a month, it will provide healthy growth and long abundant flowering. Chrysanthemums in Open Soil Space at a distance of about 30 cm from each other, put in a pot on one plant. It is recommended to cover seedlings on top of a film or a newspaper, it will protect it from temperature drops and will help plants faster to root. The best time for landing chrysanthemums - spring, in the fall they can die.

Watering chrysanthemums follows at least 2 times a week, watch the soil do not swing, water more often on hot days. To form a beautiful bush, periodically pinch weak shoots, the plant will be better branching. Remove the dried leaves and inflorescences regularly. Chrysanthemums require feeding various plants in different periods of life. During the active formation of leaves, put nitrogen-containing fertilizers, during the formation of buds, feed the potash-phosphorus, and when chrysanthemums are fighting - it is best to fertilize complex.

Chrysanthemums growing outdoors require special care in the winter. Cold-resistant varieties can be left for wintering, but you need to protect them from winds and frosts. After the plant flowed down, cut the stems at the earth itself and suck the bush with a mixture of sand and peat. From above, you can additionally be filled with fallen leaves. The heat-loving varieties for the winter must be digging and stored in the room. Stem cut at an altitude of about 15 cm, carefully dig a plant, place the roots in the container and pour the peat-sandy mixture. You can also dig a plant along with a lore earth. Keep chrysanthemum at a temperature not lower than 5 degrees, in a wet room, occasionally wipe the roots with water.

It's not difficult to grow chrysanthemums from a bouquet, they will be a real decoration of your garden. In terms of competent care, elegant autumn flowers will delight with abundant blossom and create a wonderful mood.

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