How to grow lemon from a bone

How to grow lemon from a bone

Few people do not like lemons - the taste and aroma of these citrus leaves no one indifferent. And how cool to treat your relatives or guests a cup of tea with lemon grown on your own balcony. Many believe that a high-quality lemon tree cannot be grown from lemon seeds, which will be fruitful and fruit can be used in food. But it is not. Simply, it is a rather complicated and painstaking lesson who requires effort from the "gardener".

Take lemons and choose from them 10-15 seeds - the largest and healthy on appearance, make sure that they are not damaged. Soak seeds in a solution sold in stores for gardeners, speeding up and improving the formation of the root system (rooting, root, root, root, corneser). Before boarding again, savage seeds in now the dry powder of growth amplifier.

For landing, use only high-quality soil, ideally buy it in the store and specifically pay attention to the soil for planting plants. Blind seeds no more than 1 cm, paint the earth. For the extension it is the most convenient to use conventional plastic cups, making a few holes at the bottom of the water. When you decide on the largest seedlings, you can only cut the cup and transplant the sprout with a lore of the land for permanent residence. So you do not damage the root system, and the plant will not hurt after the transplant.


Provide the seeds a comfortable temperature for shoots and do not forget to moisturize the soil. Two weeks later, the sprouts will appear. Continue to water them, you need that future trees go to growth - weak at this stage will be rejected. We leave only the strongest seedlings. When the root system of sprouts will definite enough, and several pairs of leaves will appear on the stem, it's time to transplant the trees in constant pots.


Choose clay deep pots. The hole for the drain of water is to cover the curved fragment of the clay pot, or simply an uneven stone - so that water leaves, but not fully. The bottom of the pot floatch the mixture of sand and small pebbles is drainage. Then pave a thin layer, not more than 1 cm, dry manure (or special fertilizer). The upper part of the pot half purge by humus in half with the ground, not forgetting to leave the recess for the sprout. Cut the plastic cups and carefully transplant the sprouts. Fall completely the earth. Wellpick.


Put a pot with lemon sprout in a bright place, far from heating, thoroughly water - twice a week and make sure that the land at the base of the trunk has always been wet. Do not move the pot - lemons do not like when they touch them. Once every six months wash the foliage with soap solution to protect the lemon from pests. Regularly make feeding. Take care of a tree from drafts. Every year, during the first five years, transplan the lemon into a new pot, each time increasing the diameter by 5 cm. The last pot must be in diameter - 40 cm.


And remember, if you want to grow fruitless tree from the bone, be patient. You may see the first fruits only in a few years.

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