How to grow pineapple on the windowsill

How to grow pineapple on the windowsill

Beautiful, exotic and magnificent - such a pineapple of the hostess, dreaming of the unsurpassed winter garden at home. But how to grow pineapple on the windowsill, not many know. Take about it and talk.

Choose pineapple. All important: the color of the peel - it should be a beautiful yellowish color (not green and not brown-brown), the leaves must be all solid, bright green and necessarily healthy. Refuse those fruits whose leaves dry at the base or on the tips, and the peel is soft or even loose with an unpleasant shade. It is best to buy two or three beautiful pineapple at once so that there are more chances to successfully grow this plant at home.

From fresh mature pineapple should be cut off the lush tail (it is also called the "socket"). Be sure to remove the pulp around the trunk. Otherwise, she hesitates and destroy the future plant.

Another method of separating the outlet of the leaves from the fetus - twisting. The leaves are collected in a bundle and wrapped with hand well. Then, with force, turn the entire bunch clockwise. This method allows you to get a clean and intact stem, which has more chances to start the roots and take care of a pot from the ground.

The next step is preparatory. The bottom leaves of the socket are broken, exposing 3 cm trunk. After that, several millimeters are neatly cut down at the bottom of the trunk, so that the kidneys appear (brown circles or points on the surface). If brown roots remained, it is better not to delete them.

The tail is placed in a jar with water and leave with good lighting for a week or two, so that the future Pineapple released young roots. Seedlings need to be left in place protected from the temperature drop, overheating, supercooling and drafts. Water in the bank should be changed every 3 days.

When the roots rise to a length of up to 2 cm, the plant can be transplanted into the vase with the prepared land. Choose a universal weakness soil "SENPOLIA" or "Begonia". Also suitable soil mixtures "Bromelle" or "Cactus". Pineapple soil can be prepared independently. To do this, set off the bottom of the pot of clay (as a drainage), the usual foam is also suitable. In a separate dish, mix the turf, sand and peat in equal proportions. Pour the mixture and leave for a day. Now she is ready for planting plants.

Kashpo for planting is chosen small, because the root system of pineapple is rather small. For a start, a capacity of 0.5 liters is suitable. Cashpos diameter is about 15 cm. Make sure that the drainage hole is on the bottom. Mandatory point - quality capacity. Ideal - clay pot with drainage hole and wide pallet.

Optimal temperature for growing plants 25-30 ° C. In the street summer days it is best to endure Cachepo with pineapple to the street. At night, he is entered into a warm room.

In winter, pineapple requires additional light from the luminescent lamp. If in the room is cool, you can place a vase with a plant on the battery, after having listed it with a damp cloth.

The active growth of the plant occurs from April to September. At this time, it is abundantly watered with boiled or melt water with oxal or citric acid. In addition, the pot with a plant additionally needs to be installed on a pallet with a small amount of gravel, which is also moisturized.

Pineapple transplants require twice a year: before and after the period of active growth. At the same time it is fed by universal fertilizers. One of the most popular fertilizer species is the infusion of a cowboy. It is preparing it like this: a third of the selected container is filled with manure and poured with warm water to the edge itself, it is carefully stirred. Now the mixture must be left for a week, after which it is possible to dilute with warm water at the rate of 1 part of the mixture on 8 parts of water. Feat the pineapple every week. Nitrogen fertilizer is also suitable.

Correct care and fulfillment of all major recommendations on cultivation will allow after 3-4 years to get a healthy, lush and beautiful plant. And after another year, your pineapple will begin to be fron.

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