How to grow rosemary on the windowsill

How to grow rosemary on the windowsill

Rosemary sincecore is used worldwide as fragrant seasoning to soups, meat and vegetable dishes. The homeland of this spice is the Mediterranean. Therefore, Rosemary loves the sun, warm and moisture, and is not able to withstand the cold Russian winter in the country conditions. Although rosemary is considered an unpretentious plant, during its cultivation at home should take into account several important points.

To grow rosemary, choose a clay or terracotta pot, wide enough to the powerful root system of the plant to have a survey for growth. Soil pick up neutral or weakly, with good drainage. Fertilize the soil no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, and in winter - no more than 1 time per month.

Rosemary - a light-affilome plant. It is best to place a pot on the southern or oriental windowsill. Rosemary does not withstand sharp temperature differences and needs fresh air for good growth. Check the plant by arranging the air baths, take the rosemary for the summer to the balcony or cheese in the garden. Thanks to the sunlight, the plant will produce more essential oils, have strong and healthy leaves.


Grow rosemary from seeds is a rather complicated process due to their very low germination. For landings, choose an early spring or autumn. Pre-soak seeds for 1-2 days. Then decompose the seeds on the prepared land, not sprinkting on top. Cover the polyethylene film by making several ventilation holes in it. Shoots appear, depending on the quality of seeds, 2-4 weeks after landing. All this time, every day thoroughly spray the ground from the pulverizer, maintaining a permanent humidity. If shoots never appeared, drink seeds again.

When the shoots have been reached at 8-10 cm, and at each of them there will be at least 3 leaves, switch them and disappear if necessary. If you used temporary tanks for germination, carefully transplant rosemary in a permanent place, trying not to damage young plants. Rosemary is quite quickly growing, so it is very important to ensure that the roots of the plant have enough free space, and, if necessary, reset it into a more spacious pot.

A simpler way to grow rosemary on the windowsill is to get a cutlets of this plant. Cut the widespread shoot of an adult plant. Do not choose the lowest shoots for this. Cleaning cut off the escape from the lower leaves, place it in a glass with water or in a wet mixture of sand and peat. After 2-3 weeks, when the plant is rooted, relocate Rosemary in a permanent pot.

Water rosemary often, but moderately. The drought is not as terrible for rosemary, as too abundant watering, which can lead to the rotation of the root system. With a lack of moisture, the leaves can be yellowed, and from excessive moisture, the plant can also lose the leaves and die.

Rosemary blooms in April-May. In order for your plant to bloom, it needs a winter period. Stop the plant on the glazed loggia. Rosemary can withstand temperatures up to 5-10 ° C. At this time, water the plant is very limited. Also during this period should not be rummary.

An adult plant, trunk and stems of which are already worn, it is recommended to cut regularly. Sut off shoots, stimulating and directing the future growth of the plant and forming a beautiful bush.

Due to its composition, which includes antioxidants, vitamin B and many other beneficial substances, rosemary is widely used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine. A pleasant aroma of rosemary growing on the windowsill will help overcome stress, remove fatigue and depression, improve the atmosphere of any room.


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