How to grow money

How to grow money

One of the most famous talismans designed to attract wealth to the house is a monetary tree, which is called a scientifically called Tolstanka or Crassolu. Characteristic signs are a thick trunk of tree shape and small, reminiscent coins, fleshy leaves. But only a healthy plant, surrounded by caring, will become the key to wealth. How to grow it?

As for the landing, it should be noted that the striking ability of Tolstanka multiply: the shoots allow the roots in the air, the adult plant can be obtained literally from one leaf. Choose a shallow, wide pot and soil-ground, which contains leaf land, sand, ash, humid and charcoal. Before disembarking, it is recommended to dry the plant for several hours, and put a coin into a pot. For better rooting, the capacity is covered with a polyethylene, cropped with a plastic bottle of a glass, driving a daily design.

In order for the monetary tree to radiate a favorable energy, it is necessary to pay attention to its location in the house. Put a pot on the south-east window, because this direction is considered the wealth sector. Accordingly, East is a tree zone. To stimulate the work of energy Yang on the trunk of the plant, fasten the red ribbon.

The main condition for the cultivation of Crassus is bright lighting. However, direct rays still protect. Turn the pot on time so that the plant grows slim. Otherwise, the money tree will stretch in one direction, and the elongated asymmetrically crown will lose the balance and falls. If this happened, remove damaged twigs, and the trunk will fasten with the help of a peg.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of the plant is Savannah Africa and it is able to wear dry air well, spray it from a small pulverizer, wipe the leaves with a sponge moistened in the water, in the summer it is better to carry a pot with a monetary tree into the street. At the same time, remember that it does not endure drafts when carrying out the room. In the summer, a large temperature will not be a barrier for the active development of Tolstanka, but in winter it is undesirable. Better, if the indicator does not rise above fifteen degrees to ensure rest before the onset of spring.

During the growing season, the tree needs moderate watering. Water applies only after drying the earth coma. Roots are capable of raging quickly, so remember that it is impossible to fill the plant. However, if you blunted the water, then save the money tree is very easy - it is enough to break down and roaming several processes. In order to prevent the pot in the pot, the layer of claympsite is placed, which serves as a drainage. There is a superstition that water for watering is worth insisting using 10 small coins and withstanding day.

Remember that in the period of active growth of Tolstanka, it is necessary to make fertilizers, preferably once a month. Without feeding the foliage grows meager, crushes. In this case, you are unlikely to be able to draw a parallel between your monetary tree and sufficient. For the purpose of fertilizer, use liquid tools.

Organizing the right care, you will quickly notice how shoots grow rapidly. It is for this reason that they are recommended to trim after the appearance of the 3-4 first nodules. Pruning is practiced just when the branches grow close together. Often remove excessively large leaves. If you want to achieve a certain form of a plant, cut the cruise in the spring. To the village becomes like bonsai, it is necessary to pinch it from above. It is done after reaching them 20 centimeters. The plant transplant only if the dishes in which it grows, has become close.

Flowers money tree is very rare. Therefore, the flower plant immediately arises the question of what awaits him. Apparently, a quick financial takeoff.

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