How to grow bonsai

How to grow bonsai

A reduced copy of the tree called Bonsai will become a real highlight of your garden on the windowsill. But not a miniature, but grown at home. And the highest aerobatics - the cultivation of the tree with their own hands.

Motherland Bonsai - Sunny Japan. The name is translated as a "tree in a pot" (you can use a flame or tray for landing). The second transfer option is "trimming a tree". Bonsai cultivation is a centuries-old art that has been available until recently exclusively Japanese monarchum. And today it is even available to the new flower.

To begin with, prepare such a tool:

  • Nippers that have a concave shape to trim the fine part of the trunk;
  • Scissors for thick branches and forming a smooth cut;
  • A small saw, the blade of which is 15 cm;
  • Scissors with thin ends;
  • Scissors whose ends are blown off.

When choosing a plant, preference give the copy, the dimensions of which from 20 and to 50 centimeters, with a healthy root system, which contributes to the rapid rooting of the bonsidia and give the bonsidium of greater exotic. For growing, we can use coniferous, deciduous and fruit species. The first group includes Japanese cryptium, juniper, cedar, pine, larch, fir, tee. Sheets are oak, beech, ram, maple, ficus. Among the fruit fit apple tree, hawthorn, plum. As a bonce, you can grow and flowers such as rose, magnolia, a narrowic picracoon.

In addition, you should pre-decide on the bonsai style in advance, drawing the form of pre-on paper that you want to obtain from the cultivation of a tree. Eliminate such styles as straight, which has a thickened root, smooth trunk; inclined when the tree is located at an angle to the ground; multisage (several stems grow from one, which lies on Earth); Cascade when the top leans below the soil.

To root, choose a deep container. Subsequently, a transplant is made to a walker that has low sides. You can also use a tray. It is better to take tanks from clay, porcelain, faience or ceramics. Ensure that the depth of the dishes is equal to the diameter of the trunk at the base. At the same time, they choose a length of about two thirds from the collar width. The width should be slightly smaller than the longest branch.

After planting the plants, it is good and confused the ground, and also cover the trunk of deeper to it thoroughly. Then send a pot into the darkened place where it will be rooted, and arrange a ten-day quarantine. In addition, it is very important to teach the young sway to the outdoor, for this it is recommended to increase the stay of the bonsai on the street.

Form bonsai 2-3 years after you planted the village. To do this, it must be transplanted into a flame. Making this, watch the lower part of the tree, and at the same time the top of the root system with a large number of horizontal roots, is located above the ground. At the same time, patients with plenty and weak roots need to be removed.

To slow down growth, for transplanting use a poor soil, in which there are loams, overwhelming foliage, sand and stones, and also practiced a decrease in the flow of juices, causing several cuts to the trunk. In addition, it is necessary to trim the branches when the first kidneys will appear on the tree. However, if there are buds or flowers on the bonsay, the trimming should be refused.

When watering the bonsai plants, remember that it is impossible to make water from above. It is best to use a tray with a very wetrated clay, on which a pot with a tree is located. It is necessary that water is constantly in the tray. In addition, the tire can be placed in a pelvis filled with water for a while.

It is attached to the edge of the tableware to create the shape and thickening of the barrel, using a wire or a robbed peg. Similarly form other twigs.

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