How to make an artificial bonsai

How to make an artificial bonsai

It is known that Bonsai is a special art of growing miniature trees at home. Independently care for a living plant is far from everyone, because you need a lot of patience and experience. This bonsai will also buy not everything, due to its high cost. The last option remains - to create an artificial copy of the mini-trees. In the article you will learn several ways to make an artificial bonsai yourself.

The advantage of artificial bonsai in front of a natural plant is obvious. You will have a couple of dozens of hours of work, but for cultivation - more than one year. You don't need to water the artificial tree, only occasionally look with dust from it. Before you start work and choose the material from which you will be the composition, decide on the shape of your tree. Different styles of the bonsai differ in the shape of the trunk and dense of the crown. In some trees, the twigs are located symmetrically and "grow" smoothly, others are bizarrely wriggling and harvested, as from the blow of the wind.

Styles Bonsai.

After deciding with the Bonsai style, go to search for the trunk. In the forest, in the park or in the garden, find the stick, suitable in shape and silhouette. There are also a branch of coniferous trees, to decorate the crown. Now it is required to be prepared in a special way to make a safe and durable. To do this, prepare a solution for conservation: one part of acetone and denatured alcohol, add two parts of the glycerol to them. In this solution, exactly a week, place the sprigs of plants purified from dirt and chew. After the period of the conservation period, you will get a part of the future product and drag them outdoors for drying. You can then paint and assemble the elements in a solid composition, as will be described below.


If you have not found a sprig suitable for trunk, then make it yourself. Wire frame can perform material for the base. Cognizes it in this position as you want to see the future trunk. Then make a papier-mache solution, break through the wire, and then complete the process with plaster. This material will create the texture and texture of the tree bark. Coloring will bring it up to perfection. Stand for wood is also poured with plaster and dried. Heavy and tight material will ensure reliability and stability of the entire composition.

From what can be made the bonsai crown, if there is no natural needle at hand or can it seems to be possible? Materials Masters use the most different and sometimes even unexpected. Artificial pine is very attractive. To work, purchase a pair of twigs and separate segments from them with needles. Each bundle will be attached to the tree separately. Squeeze your cheese on hot glue, just be careful and do not burn your hands. Crane thickness Adjust at your discretion. Keep in mind, in order to bring the species of the tree to the natural as possible, the needles on the branches should "grow" in a single direction.

From artificial pine

An artificial leaflets from purchased bouquets can be used to create a bonsai crown. To do this, disconnect the stalks and separately glue to the twigs each sheet. Take the elements different in style and shade, it will add an unusual texture to your creation and will not worsen its appearance.

Crown of beads is done by hanging several beery on a piece of copper wire. Then the wire is bent into the ring and there are still dozens of the same beaded-wires. Together, these elements make up the bunch of crowns and are attached to the barrel. Beaded bonsai are more often made in reverse order than other types of artificial trees. First, leaves are made, then they are assembled in the twigs, of which the trunk is already constructed, and it is put on the stand, or the base of the plant is filled with plaster. Then decorated with additional elements.

The Bonsai tree stand deserves separate attention, since it sometimes requires more time to create than the whole composition is entirely. You can backlit or settle miniature animals from the roots of the village. It all depends on your imagination and courage!

Comments leave a comment
Svetlana 01/21/2017 at 19:31

Wonderful works, look very attractive. Are these your work? I also fond of work "Artificial Bonsai". I liked it.


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