How to make a bead bracelet

How to make a bead bracelet

Beads - the material of the ancient and eternally young. Products from it for a long time retain their color and shape. Decorations from beads, created with their own hands, differ in personality and special charm, especially bracelets.

The first mentions of the bead belong to the KI II century BC. NS. Scientists have found burials related to this period, and low metal beads found there. Much later in the XII century in Venice was invented and the technology of manufacturing a glass bead was kept in the secret. Nowadays, the material for small beads serves glass, metal, bone and different types of plastics. Beads have different colors and sizes.

For the manufacture of even the simplest bracelet from beads, it will be necessary to prepare a well-lit working surface and tools, the use of which will facilitate the beading process:

  • The basis of the product is durable threads (oscillation, nylon), thin line or rigid wire.
  • To work with beads, if the base is soft, you can use special needles. They are produced with numbers 10, 12, 13, 15.
  • Machine for beadwork. If classes with beads have grown out of ordinary interest in a hobby, which also brings profit, then you can buy a machine for weaving. It is made of various materials (wood, plastic) and has several configurations.
  • Pliers, round bugs and nippers are needed for circumcision and twisting wire. These tools can be used to pull the needling jammed in the bead hole or remove an excessive bead from the pattern.
  • Accessories for decoration of the bracelet fastener.
  • The finished weaving scheme or pure paper to sketching your own ideas, which will subsequently deliberately embody the conceived.
  • Good mood.

Simple bracelet. The decoration, which is based on a thin rigid wire, does not require additional costs for bracelet locks. Such a wire is perfectly held. Even if the bracelet is slightly deformed, you can quickly give it the same shape. The entire product charm is to choose the beads and the number of wire rings. The ends of the bracelet are lowered by the rounds.

Bracelet-pigtail. The basis of this decoration is used colored threads-Moulin. Manufacturing technology:

  • Two cuts of threads in length in 70 and 50 (calculation of length for medium wrist) fold in half. Return a seat for a loop suitable for a fastener button. Align the lower edges of three threads. To fix them, tie the node. And the remaining fourth short thread need to crush and tie this node once again. Sticking out the remainder cut.
  • Of the three long threads, it is necessary to start weave a simple pigtail (beginning of the bracelet). After 2-3 cm of simple weaving on the side threads of the product begin to drive beads.
  • Weaving the bracelet should be tight, so the banned beads caught up on the right hand, and not wait when it comes to the place, pushing the weave of the threads.
  • Having finished weaving braids with beads, some more distance weeping a simple oblique. A simple weaving at the ends of the bracelet is desirable to do about the same length.
  • Fixing the weaving as a nodule, we produce a button on the thread - the braza bracelet. It is also fixed by the node. Sut off everything too much.

Hand-Made Bead decorations have always been and staying in fashion. To achieve the perfect type of intended thing, it is necessary to constantly hone your skills and use quality materials, tools. Beaded bracelets of any complexity can be found here.

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