How to reduce the bracelet on the clock

How to reduce the bracelet on the clock

The only thing that can overshadow the pleasure of fitting new wristwatches is too long a bracelet, because of which they can hang out on your wrist or ridge them at all. Fortunately, this problem is easily solved by shorting the strap.

The easiest and most reliable option is to contact the watchmaker. There quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary work, and you can enjoy your acquisition. But this method has a number of flaws. First, the hour workshop can be far enough from your home. Secondly, the master will have to pay for work, and if it comes to a dear brand, it will not have little to pay.

The second option is to use the device specifically designed to reduce metal bracelets. If you have it, put the bracelet inside and start to rotate the handle until the stop will push the carnation connecting the bracelet units among themselves. After removing the desired number of links, connect the bracelet back.

If a hike in the workshop seems to you at the expense of not the best, and you do not have a special device, try to shorten the bracelet with the help of remedies. For this work you will need:

  • shilo or any other subtle subject;
  • thin screwdriver;
  • passatia;
  • small hammer.

You can shorten the bracelet with the help of its lock, in the upper case of which there are several holes provided for this purpose. Using a sewn or other similar tool, carefully press the carnations inside the bracelet, after his head hides under the overlay, pull the bracelet aside. Do it slowly, because the spring is located inside the locking rod, with a sharp release, it can fly out of the bracelet and find it will be very problematic. After that, as gently fix the liberated part of the bracelet in another hole.

If this turned out to be not enough, one thing remains to shorten the bracelet due to the removal of the links. As a rule, there are several such links (3-4 on each side), and they are near the castle. Carefully inspect the bracelet. Find the links within which the arrow is present, it is these and you will have to delete. The elements of the bracelet can be interconnected using screws, pins or studs.

If the bracelet is connected by pins or studs, insert the tip of sewn into the hole, located aside the opposite direction of the movement of the arrow, and firmly press. The pin should start moving and get out of the bracelet from the opposite side. If the efforts you have attached are not enough - try gently to hit the ship hammer. With the help of the passage, completely remove it from the bracelet.

If the links are connected by screws - carefully unscrew them with a thin screwdriver. Repeat this operation until you delete all unnecessary links. It is recommended to remove an even number of links, the same on each side of the fastener. This will allow you to save the central location of the castle after the bracelet will be shortened. Deleting the desired number of links, collect a bracelet back. Your watch are ready for everyday use.

Remember, any incorrect movement can damage the bracelet itself or its coverage. To avoid this, do this work very carefully and carefully.

Comments leave a comment
Zanfir 10/05/2015 at 1:09.

you're a moron ourselves on my head this hammer !!!


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