Patterns from felt do it yourself

Patterns from felt do it yourself

Home decorations, soft children's toys, unusual broots, hair attacks, New Year's souvenirs and other original things - all this can be made of felt. The main thing is to find or come up with the pattern itself for your masterpieces.

Day off. Domestic things are converted, TV is tired of watching, it is impossible to go shopping - it rakes all day, boring. Try to make something out of the felt, and the positive attitude to you is provided.

Patterns from felt do it yourself - home slippers

You often come to visit familiar, and force them to walk their barefoot, albeit along the floor-covered floor, not very hospitable. Sustrate felt slippers for friends, finishing male shoes buttons, and female - rhinestones.

For work, you will need: paper, scissors, needles with needles, felt, simple pencil, smallest for decorating.

  • Take a paper sheet with a size of 40x40 cm.
  • Make a pattern, according to our photo, where the green line is the length of your foot, blue - the size of the jumper sneakers.
  • Cut out the fabric workpiece. Heat slippers, gluing the insole to the sole.
  • Connect and fasten the top of a flop, folding the jumper of the mustache, on the completeness of the foot.


Felt patterns do it yourself - New Year's toy

Want to give an unforgettable winter fairy tale to your baby? Cheering on the New Year tree of funny gnomes, snowmen, balls, snowflakes from a colored felt. And for a start, try to perform by our pattern embroidered with golden threads, dove.

Prepare: material, filler, threads with needle, beads, glue.

  • Print the template, transfer it to the fabric.
  • Druel the silhouette by placing the dotted. Make two stencils.
  • Still on top and sides. Put the syntheps inside the workpiece and close the birds.
  • Dotted lines Watch yellow-golden threads. Cut the beads onto the beak, eyes, the midfield line. Attach the suspended lace.


Patterns from felt do it yourself - decoration on the refrigerator

A refrigerator with bright magnetic toys looks very elegantly. We offer you to make a holder in the form of Sovie-Splushki.

  • Cut out the paper body pattern - 2 pieces, wings, eyes, beak.
  • Remove without drinks on the seams.
  • Collect the scoop, noting all the details, according to the picture.
  • Sweep the two parts of the body, put the foam rubber between them, stick to the opposite magnet.


Patterns from felt do it yourself - a children's bracelet

Felt bracelet, decorated with all sorts of fittings, looks stylish on the wrist of the young fashionista. Make it easier simple, having in stock multicolored pieces of fabric, buttonholes, beads, Moulin.

  • Make the basis of the decoration length equal to the wrist girth plus 4 cm, width - from 2 to 5 cm. Draw a flower and a whisk.
  • Cut the two green blanks for the base of the bracelet, make the petals from a burgundy or red felt, and the saint of the flower is orange.
  • Sust a bracelet. Drop it with embroidery or glass. Stick flower in the middle of the product. Attach the button to connect.

Decorate the decoration at your discretion: hearts, robes, butterflies, petals, and a fastener with a velcro or an air cape with a button.


Patterns from felt do it yourself - useful trinkets

Felt tissue is easy to make all kinds of useful things, even without pattern.

Case for phone

Cut from the material two rectangles, with your cellular, plus 1 cm on the seams. Sust out the details on three sides, and the fourth - wash. At the front of the case, attach the picture.



Cut from the fabric to cut two parts in the shape of hearts. Connect them with a marking seam, gain filler, decorate sparkles, beads, ribbons. Such a cute present will not leave a single person indifferent. A needer is also performed in the form of animals or vegetables, the letters of the alphabet, the stands under the cups and much more.

Make the most interesting thing from the felt is easy, it is enough to purchase the necessary materials. Connect a fantasy and a bit of perpetuity, and in a couple of hours you will have a designer handicraft, which will take an honorable place in your home.

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