Felt Toys Patterns

Felt Toys Patterns

Fetra toys are very popular for many reasons: first, they look cute and cozy, secondly, are a universal budget gift, and, thirdly, they are very easy to make them. We propose to implement ideas from this article. Patterns and job description are attached.

Toy Cheerful Tigers from Yellow Felt

Such a smiling representative of the feline family can be made in the form of a key fob on the keys, suspension on the handbag or as a simple toy for the baby. To work, you will need a felt sheet of yellow or orange, for the nose and strips, you can use trimming of the material or take small pieces of brown and pink shades. Also take a pair of black bisper for the eyes and thread of the right colors.

Remove the details as shown in the diagram below. To do this, simply print the sheet and cut the items. Attach them to the felt sheet and circle a pencil, a handle or a disappearing marker for two pieces. Use the fattest felt for this toy, inside the sintepon is not required. Sexing tiger parts can be manually or using the sewing machine. The advantage of the latter is that stitches will be smooth and neat. This is important for beginner needlewomen and young craftsmen.

Volumeful toys from felt

Wishing to create a bulk toy from the felt, you will need a material with a thickness of no more than 3 mm. Cutting the details of the birds represented in the following image, witch them, but leaving a small hole. Then remove the product through it and score. Neatly secret suture. Acrylic paints draw eyes and beak chicks. Toy is ready. Snow White and the cupcake is done as in the example with a tiger. Although there is allowed to lay a small amount of felt between the front and rear parts.

Three girlfriends - Fetra toy

  • To create a playful trio, you will need a very thin felt and some experience with this material. Carefully make out a photo and select appropriate colors for toys. The diagram shows how to collect items after cutting out.

  • Now scheme. If needlework adult for the child, it is possible to play together in an exciting game of the girl braiding number 1 or decorating hairstyles all three. Attaching bows can be charged even preschoolers.

Vehicles for the baby - a toy made of felt

For this toy, you can use any thickness of the felt and it does not matter what you use for this color. The filler may be used as padding polyester, wool or something rustling (e.g. cellophane). Then the toy will acquire new quality and will certainly be interested in the smallest fans felt.

When creating any toy made of felt will help you not so much skill as imagination and sense of taste with a combination of different shades. Think about how to create crafts and who try to be careful.

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