How to make cat costume with your own hands

How to make cat costume with your own hands

Carnival catty cat is perfect for the New Year holidays, Halloween or any other thematic meetings. I am glad that such an outfit can be easily and quickly made by your own hands. This festive decoration will become an original solution and decoration of your personality. So, we turn on your fantasy and prepare a magnificent festive outfit. Cat costume can consist of ears, tail, gloves, bow and tempting makeup. Let's all in order.

Cat ears do it yourself

This is an integral attribute of a cat suit. What do you need for the pattern of the ears? Paper sheet, plastic hoop, pencil, scissors, thread with needle, beautiful felt (black, pink, red or any other) and glue. To begin with, you need to take a sheet of paper, bend it twice and pencil make the outline pattern.

When the pattern is ready, you can proceed to cut out similar parts from felt. Next, take the hoop, wrapping the future ears around it and connect them with a thread from the outside. We will look very original such ears, if you add them to the felt of another color. For example, if initially your ears were black, take the pink felt, cut the ears on the pattern, but make them 1-2 cm less. Then get them on top of the ready-made black ears. Well, all, the original cats are ready.

Ponytail kitty do it yourself

For the manufacture of this item, the costume is necessary:

  • 3 cardboard tubes (you can take from under rolled paper),
  • stocking or golf black, a small piece of black fur.

In the usual cellophane package, we put cardboard tubes and firmly wrap. Then we put them in stockings and the stapler correct the lower part of the tail. At the end of the tail sew fur for beauty. You can insert the wire inside the tail, then your product will keep the form.

Fur Cat Suit Cuffs

This element of the costume will add fluffyness and brightness to the image. Make fur cuffs are quite simple. You need to take two strips of fur, about 5-8 cm wide and sew them around the circumference of their wrist. For convenience, you can enter a thin elastic in fur, then such a decoration will be easily removed.

Cat suit lush skirt

When the main attributes of the outfit are ready, it is worth starting to create a flirtatious skirt. The top of the costume may look simple: black trico or simple golf. But the beautiful fate skirt will be just by the way. Here is the easiest option to create such a skirt: Cut the black fatin into small strips (the width is about 20 cm, the length is 40 cm). Use for the manufacture of skirt the back of the chair. We stretch on it with a gum and typing the node. Then we take a fire strip and tie them on a rubber band with a strong knot. We do this procedure along the entire length of the gum. That's all. Thus, you can adjust the puff of the skirt, that is, the more you tie a fate, the stringener will be your skirt.

Cat trick

The magnificent image of kitty is impossible without spectacular makeup. And, no matter, there will be a child or a mature woman in such suit. This must be thin mustache, neat spout and tempting eyes. Here, of course, the skill of drawing will be required, but even the simple lines of the mustache can radically change the general appearance.

Include your fantasy and make a unique kitty suit from simple girlfriend. Such an outfit will undoubtedly attract third-party glances, and you will become an elevination of the evening.

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