How to make a baby book

How to make a baby book

Books - Babes are familiar to all of your childhood. They are colorful and help children develop, knowing the world around. Make it die for everyone. In this article, we will tell how to make it from the girlfriend.

How to make a book baby - materials and tools for work

You can make a book from various materials:

  • the cloth;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper.

Recently, crafts from felt became very popular. This is a natural material that will not cause allergic reactions. What is very important for children's books and toys. Before proceeding with work, you need to prepare the necessary materials. We will need:

  • multicolored felt sheets are hard and soft;
  • colored threads;
  • thick needle;
  • colored buttons, ribbons, velcro;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glue.

Now you can proceed to the main job.

Book Manufacturing - Baby

  • The first step must be invent the topic of the book. It can be seasons and vegetables and fruits with them related, there may be animals or a book for an account.
  • Next, from the rigid felt, we cut squares of 15 * 15 cm squares, it is quite a convenient size for a child.
  • Now it is necessary to make plots for each page, reverting the necessary details. For example, on sheets of books with the time of year, you can do the following. On one sheet to sew a trunk of a tree of felt, and filament the contour of the crown. After that, on the branches of the tree place several leaves. They can be attached by velcro. The child will disconnect them and put in place, commemorating that the spring appears in the spring. It also contributes to the study of colors and an account skill. On another page you can depict the hedgehog with apples on the back. Moreover, part of the barbells can be made in the form of a pocket and hide there a pair of fruit. The child will be interested in finding them and count, how much apple bows his hedgehog.
  • At the bottom of the page sew the velcro and fix the leaflets from orange and yellow felt on it. Such interactive pages will help the child to develop small motility and logical thinking.

How to Make a Baby Book - Security

It must be remembered that the product is intended for a small child. He can tear something or try her taste. Therefore, you should not do too small details that the baby will be able to swallow. Buttons need to sewing lining from the wrong side a piece of dense tissue. So the child will not be able to snatch it with "meat". Following these rules, you can make an absolutely safe toy - entertaining.

Book Use - Baby

It is clear to everyone that such a product will be useful for the development of the child. Consider what this book contributes to:

  • small motility - a child's fingers, in contact with various textures and materials, stimulate the nerve endings, which in turn contributes to the development of speech, the ability to think and read;
  • more - less - thanks to details of a different size, the child will quickly understand these concepts and can apply it to other subjects;
  • unbutton and fasten - the use of various buttons, buttons and locks contribute to the development of this skill, which is useful in the future in the dressing of things;
  • next - closer and right - left - these concepts will be remembered easier on fun pictures, you can put some objects in the foreground, and the rest in the back or just on the right side of the page to place flowers, and on the left mushrooms.

You can talk about the benefits of this book. Make such for your baby and will be happy to spend time and develop at the same time.

This article describes how to make a book - baby with your own hands. It is described from which materials you can make it. And also pays attention to the benefits of this book. Successful work.

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