How to make feline ears

How to make feline ears

Thematic party, school ball, matinee in kindergarten and other events you are going to attend, dictate your conditions. Namely - it is necessary to come in a special suit. If you need to reincarnate in a graceful cat, just this article is for you, because today we will tell how to make yourself cat ears.

How to make feline ears

The methods of creating this attribute are several: the ears can be sewed from the fabric, to make out of the wire or for example, make a ear, based on the rim. The last option is the easiest. By the way, the most reliable, because the bezel will stay on the head at any hairstyle, and the ears will only decorate its owner.

So, rather, work, but for now you need to prepare such tools, as well as materials:

  • metal bezel, 1 cm wide or 1.5 cm. A narrow rim covered with gray / black or dark blue cloth or satin ribbon is also suitable;
  • also need a soft felt of black, blue or dark gray;
  • prepare a cinema wire (or ordinary wire that is well bended and keeping shape);
  • in addition, the remains of any natural fur suitable for color. Fur can be taken as artificial and natural;
  • openwork lace of black or gray;
  • narrow satin tape (width 0.5 cm) - 20 cm;
  • bead or glue straw decor;
  • normal sheet of paper, pencil and scissors.
  • glue "Moment" or a glue gun.

How to make ears:

  • First you need to draw a hand pattern on paper with a pencil. The eye should not be triangular, but rectangular with pointed edges.
  • From the felt sheet of the selected color cut 2 billets.
  • Sample these billets on the rim, placing one part on the right side of the rim, and the other - with the left. Holding the workpiece with your fingers, check that they are at the same distance. You can even measure the free edges with the right and left part of the rim so that everything is exactly and symmetrically.
  • Now you need to glue the blanks with glue so that it is a pretty ears. To do this, it is necessary to wrap the blank around the hoop, fix glue.
  • When the glue is grabbing, you can continue to work.
  • The edges of the ears have not yet been fixed and do not hold the form. To do this, it will be needed wire and fur (or lace). It is necessary to sneak over the edge of the wire fur strip (or lace, with a fold so that you have a nice ears with ruffles), and then sew or gently glue the wire between the fetal blank so that it is not visible.
  • After the work is completed, you may want to decorate one ear with a flirty bow. From the segment of the ribbon of the desired color, you need to make a bow, fix with glue (you can sew a needle with a thread with a thread), on top to the middle to glue a bead or stricter decor.
  • As an option: instead of a fetal basis, only lace can be used, it will work out very stylish, especially if you have ready to decorate the work with beads.

Work is ready: it remains only to try out the rim with the ears and think about what suit come up with for the holiday.

How to make cat ears-hairpins

In order to make self-ears on their own, "clarops", you must prepare the following:

  • artificial or natural fur - a small segment;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors;
  • barring "Skirk" - 2 pcs;
  • glue pistol;
  • cardboard sheet and simple pencil.

How to make cat ears:

  • Blacks on a sheet of cardboard triangles of the desired size (equilateral). The ears can be made sharp or rounded. Most 2 details
  • Paper blanks Apply to the fur canvase, cut out 4 triangles.
  • You need to glue the blanks with each other in pairs, insert a cardboard blank in the middle. You can sew if there is no adhesive pistol.
  • Base leave free to gently apply a thin strip of hot silicone glue and quickly stick to the hairpins.
  • New ears are ready - you can try

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