How to make rim

How to make rim

Hair rim - fashionable decoration. It is almost the same wreath who also worn our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. And this decoration on the head has its own little story. Wreath is a symbol of purity, as well as a powerful wubble from unclean power. But now few people think about it, because the wreaths are practically not worn, but the rims loved to many.

Make a stylish, beautiful and unique hair decoration can be independently. The main thing is to determine the direction, because a lot of variations. Plus, it is necessary to take into account the length and luggage, the shape of the face, as well as the style of clothing.

How to make a simple rim with flower

In order to make a thin rim with flowers, it is necessary to purchase such positions in the store of goods for needlewrites:

  • metal base (that is, the rim itself) - 1 pc.;
  • artificial flowers from Foamyran or Fabric with Greens and Decor - 10-12 pcs.;
  • scissors;
  • teip-tape of green color - 1 roll;
  • hot thermoclay transparent.

How to make a rim:

  • If you bought the rim, covered or closed with a cloth, then it is desirable to remove the fabric. If at home was revealed by the usual plastic rim - it will also fit. The width has no significant value, the main thing is that you can be comfortable and the rim is not very highlighted on your head.
  • If you use the plastic base with the tooth (located on the inside to fix the hairstyle), then the cloves need to be cut into a file or in the extreme case with a sharp knife (and you can also try the nail file).
  • Prepare flowers bouquets. Flowers need to be separated from each other. To remove the Flower head from the wire, use scissors. Cut the flower almost the very base.
  • Spreads and leaves are at will. But keep in mind if you stick 10-12 flowers of one color and stop at this, then the rim will look no naturally. Therefore, you need to start work with the location of the leaves and thin twigs.
  • Each element is glued with a hot gun. The glue freezes for a few seconds, so you need to quickly attach an item, tightly fix it.
  • When all the elements are glued, you need to hide emptiness and droplets of glue. And this can be done using a floral sticky tape. It is easy to clean the ribbon gently. At the same time, all intervals are hidden, and an additional fixation of the elements is performed.
  • Such a bezel can be safely worn for years, because the flowers are securely fixed.

How to make a rim with satin ribbon flowers

Such hair decorations look very beautiful both on young girls and on the smallest princesses. To make the decoration yourself, you will have to plunge into the creativity of "Kanzashi" and master the basic petals. The result will cost spent time and effort!

And what to prepare, we will tell:

  • plastic base for rim;
  • tape satin width 5 cm of any color (it is best to choose a ribbon of gentle pink, red, the color of ripe cherries or a scarlet rose) - 1 m;
  • ribbon for winding a rim of a neutral shade or in tone color, width 1 cm, length 1 m;
  • scissors;
  • glue pistol;
  • beautiful middle - 1 pc.;
  • lighter or candle;
  • tweezers.

How to make a rim with your own hands:

  • first you need to wind the ribbon bezel. If the tape is thin, then you can fix the tape with hot glue, and then wrap the entire rim. At the end of the tape, too, needs to be fixed with hot glue. This is a simple and fast version of creating a basis;

  • you can try to make it differently - if the base is metallic or plastic with a neutral shade cloth, so as not to close the inner part, it is enough to glue the tape on the top, the front part of the rim. Gluitive better tape or glue "moment-crystal" or on the dragon glue, and it is possible for bilateral tape;

  • 5 cm wide ribbon should be cut into 5 x 5 cm squares, the edges fall over the candle or lighter. Fold the square diagonally, then folded once again and fold the workpiece again. Fix the edges above the candle, unnecessary from the reverse side you need to cut off and melt the edges of the fabric. It turns out the petal of the tape;

  • such petals need to do 10 pcs. And it will stop at this, but you can still make as many petals of the ribbon, 2.5 cm wide. Petals need to be collected on a needle with a thread (and you can stick with hot glue to each other). The flower is assembled, stick a beautiful middle, and the flower itself attach on the rim (fixation by hot glue).

The fantasy of each person has no boundaries, you can create unique decorations from simple petals. Good luck in your work!

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