How to make a postcard on May 9

How to make a postcard on May 9

9 mayday great victory above nazi Germany v Great Domestic war. V this significant day accepted present veterans. Great Domestic Wars various present, expressing honey respect and appreciation. Postcards, created n. hands, nice surprise ours veterans..

1) Drawn postcards to 9 may

Self simple v execution –  this is drawn postcardsTheir can do one-sided or v form books, inside which will be written wishes and congratulations. Draw can such symbols holiday how: eternal fire, five-pointed star how symbol Red Army, firework, order « Victory», georgievskaya ribbon, military technique, carnation or other spring flowers.

For work need:

  • Paper or color cardboard format A 4.
  • Pencils.
  • Gouache and tassels.

Structure work:

  • Fold sheet popolam..
  • Simple pencil draw selected element.
  • Coloring drawing gouache. If want to do drawing volume, pain contours more dark color, how v center.
  • Around postcards can draw frame v video georgievskaya ribbons.

2) Card applique to 9 may

Postcards appliques make from different homemade figures from color paper. More often total used traditional attributes holiday: red carnation, georgievskaya lentu., five-pointed star., number 9. Using various figures, you you can decorate postcard on himself wishes.

Make red carnation

For work need:

  • Porched paper or napkin red colors.
  • Compass.
  • Scissors.
  • Stapler.

Structure work:

  • Porch paper or napkin red colors fold so, to she stated four-layer.
  • Draw on her circular circle necessary to you diatera.
  • Cut circle scissors.
  • Fold cut circles two times popolam. (fold simultaneously all four circle, divide their not necessary).
  • Secure spicy the end folded quadrel circle stapler.
  • Make scissors numerous nurses before clip. On one flower carnations need two such billets.
  • Separately  from green color paper cut stem and petals to carnations. Received flowers enclose to based postcards.

Make georgievskaya ribbon

For work need:

  • Colored paper black and yellow colors.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.

Structure work:

  • Cut from color paper black colors striped lena 12 cm and width 2,5 cm.
  • From color paper yellow colors cut two stripes lena 12 cm and width 0,5 cm.
  • Enclose two thin yellow stripes on wider black striped.
  • Received « georgievskaya ribbon» can glisten v anyone corner postcards. Speakers corners ribbons enclose to base with opposite parties postcards.

Five-pointed star., number 9 or inscription can simply cut from color paper, cardon or construction from wire, ribbons or threads.

3) Card to 9 may v technique quilling

For work need:

  • Colored paper or cardboard format A 4.
  • Glue PVA.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue gun.
  • Paper for qwill or bilateral colored paper.

Structure work:

  • Cut stripes on floor santimeter from paper for qwill or bilateral color paper. Form from striped figures v technique quilling v video arrows.
  • One carnation make from 6 figures v video arrows. Shile on 3 details together, whenever carnation. If want to do volumented carnation, shift details friend on friend.
  • From green paper form petals v video eye. Petals can do one or miscellaneous size. Quantity and the size lepalsy do on honey discretion.
  • Now start to creation chasselistic. Shile two stripes green colors for qwill together and roll their v roll. Stripes fall glue Plow, then roll will durable.
  • To do stem carnations, shile separately yet two stripes green colors, bear not before end, leave slightly places upstairs. Enclose stem to chesselistic with help glue.
  • Found stem enclose to flower.
  • Shift flowers, petals and stem on postcard.
  • Postcard can decorate georgievskaya ribbon, star, medal and t.d..

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