How to draw on May 9 Victory Day

How to draw on May 9 Victory Day

Before the day of Victory, to emphasize the importance of the event, we decorate our home with cloves with Georgievsky ribbons, Fresh Appliques on the windows, compose congratulations for veterans. And for many of us, the question arises, how to correctly draw on May 9?

If you decide to make a postcard yourself, but you do not possess the talent of the artist, use our advice.

How to draw on May 9 - Volume inscription

Prepare a white sheet of paper, a simple pencil, knee, markers, ruler. For clarity, several pictures of festive topics.


Draw on paper two rectangles - one pull the length of the sheet, the other in the width - coming out of the first and perpendicular to it. The upper figure consisting of two squares is a future figure 9. From left to the right go to the word - May.

Scrap clip

Make an inscription a little more, walking on it with a dark soft pencil. Remove the outline line. Draw from the nine volume of all internal parts, guided by our example. Hook for the bottom of the figures, the St. George ribbon, lifting it a bit up, as if developing in the wind.



Skin the slogan with gray or brown, making the face with more light. Sketch small points over the entire contour and get a monumental drawing "under granite". Bud carnations bright red, stalks - green, coloring the ribbon into an orange-black kel.

This image is only the basis if you enter the star into it, the Silhouette of the Warrior, the Eternal Flame, he will only benefit from it.


How to draw on May 9 by paints

Consider another way to create a victorious inscription. It can be used for greeting card and for the transparency.

  • Draw a big nine on a sheet with a pencil.
  • Highlight in it from the inner and external side of the bulge, where you consider it necessary.
  • On the bottom of the picture, let the bouquet of missing forget-me-not or other colors.
  • Color the figure with black and orange stripes, as in St. George Ribbon.
  • Scatter bright salutes for empty places.
  • Squeeze from the hand to the right of the nine, the word may. Below the phrase - Happy Victory Day!

Postcard or picture on the window are ready.

Photo 5.

How to draw on May 9 by felt-powder

The foundation of the picture is made like a notepad sheet, so, first and draw it.

  • Apply a rectangle in the paper with a pylon. Make it sides in bulk.
  • In the middle, refer to the ellipse - the future figure 9.
  • Spend two parallel lines, with a width between them, equal to the altitude of the word - May.
  • At the top depicting the spring from dark holes and rectangular sticks. Right bottom corner Cover the triangle of the George ribbon.
  • From the sides, pull the outline of the carnation - on the right - one, on the left - two flower.
  • Erase the secondary lines and color the finished pattern.


Additional decoration Choose to your taste - balls, military equipment, bright colors. Be careful, act by our tips, and you will have the author's inscription for the holiday of Victory Day.

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