How to congratulate veterans with Victory Day

How to congratulate veterans with Victory Day

Victory Day - a feast special for our compatriots. And let Europe may forget the role of Russia in the victory over fascism and try to rewrite the pages of history, we know with you what difficult tests fell on the shoulders of our veterans, and what price for peace they had to pay. Each of us is not only on the day of victory, but also in any other I must say "Thank you" for the feat of our grandfathers. But not only in a word, but also a case to express your gratitude to the remaining grandparents, who fought for the peaceful sky over our heads. How to do it?

Congratulations to start veterans from among your relatives and acquaintances. Give them a thing that will be useful in everyday life - soft plaid, desktop lamp, warm sweater. Such things will emphasize your warmth and care towards them. It will be pleasantly doubly if you attach a postcard and flowers to the main gift. The latter should not be expensive: lilac and tulips are traditional characters on May 9, which are best associated with the very first day of victory for veterans.

Among the heroes of the Great Patriotic War there are a lot of lonely old men and old women. For them your attention is already a gift. Find the lists of such veterans by contacting the local veterans council. There you will be kindly and even with joy will be provided! Come with some sweet presentation to visit them, bring flowers, offer your help in house cleaning. They will be touched.

If you are a creative person, come up with creative congratulations on Victory Day. For example, write a poem dedicated to the holiday and his perpetrators, and post on the pages of local newspaper publications. Organize a concert with your friends or at least simply prepare some room for a festive concert, which is planned in your city. Putting the dance on military-patriotic subjects or the military years of war, you really enjoy veterans.

If your financial position allows you, ask again to the Council of Veterans and ask what they do not get? Perhaps there are some pressing problems whose permission requires certain means.

When you go to a parade or on solemn events dedicated to May 9, be sure to take flowers and balloons with you! Having met veteran on the street, give them it. Your smile and warm words are also a great gift, do not forget about it. You will also witness those days to see your Georgievskaya ribbon on your chest - a victory symbol.

Do not forget about people, thanks to which you live in peacetime in a free country. And let every day it does not work out to pay them time and attention, do it at least once a year in a specially designated day - Victory Day. Let the most valuable and expensive remuneration for your efforts will be the tears of the joy of veteran.

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