What to give on May 9

What to give on May 9

Holiday 9th May marked Day Victory to the Soviet Army in the Second World War. On this day, veterans overlook a large-scale parade along the central streets of the city. The event organizers hold memorable meetings of the participants in the war, devote songs and poems to them, give flowers and postcards, and also give food kits and cash presents. This is a special caste of people who showed a valor and courage, defending the honor and freedom of the country. If among your loved ones, friends or neighbors there are veterans of the Second World War - Be sure to congratulate them.

Choose gifts carefully - the children of the war often do not recognize modern gadgets and innovative devices. All new and incomprehensible seems to them alien. Honorable age sT SK.enchant on the health and perception of reality. It is difficult for them to get used to change and change lifestyle. Before choosing a gift, ask your hobbies of an elderly person, perhaps he is needed. Member of the Second World War looks at the world in a different and appreciates not so material as spiritual. If you show respect and attention, give a flower and a mental card, you will delight and warm the wounded heart of the veteran.

If After talking you did not know what to give to 9th May, then we offer a brief list of current gifts that will come up with grandmothers and grandparents, eyewitnesses of war, who managed to survive. The easiest option is to hand the colors and a greeting card. On 9th May From floristics it is better to give preference to cloves or tulips, since the first symbolize durability and endurance, and the second is pride and joy. You can give a bouquet pestry Field colors that put a feeling of joy, freedom and freshness.

A good gift will be a collection of Soviet films and a collection of your favorite artist songs. Typically, older people with trepidation expecting broadcast Soviet films, and if you give them the opportunity to view the dear films at a convenient time - fortunately there is no limit. However, note the presence of a read-media device. If the veteran is no DVD player, then do not take the funds to buy it as well.

handmade collage. Collect the most beautiful old photos and decorate them in a beautiful themed collage. such a gift bring you pleasure and joy to the veteran. Together with a memorable decoration element REPACKAGED warm and a soft blanket that warms a grandparent winter evenings. If you often hear sentimental stories about the great friendship and love, can cause picture or acceptable symbols for a cup and add to the main gift.

Kolazh old photo2

Going to visit, buy sweets and fruit, tea or coffee. Can pre-order cake with georgievskoj ribbon and themed. Assemble a basket of delicacies that older people themselves are not used pack: herring, Smoked sausage, red fish, Dutch cheese, condensed milk, A bottle of wine or brandy, good biscuits, canned pineapple or peaches. such a set of have to Veterans soul.

If man is a close relative to you, buy it warm bathrobe and soft slippers. As an option: a sweater, bed linen, unit for fast and easy pressure, good kettle or pan, permit a sanatorium. A good gift would be natural handmade soap, beautiful clock, wall painting, set for embroidery, packing yarn for knitting book.

It is worth noting that, for the presentation of gifts to choose the right time. Better congratulate WWII party after the parade, before the holiday feast, when yet it's time to remember their fallen comrades and immerse themselves in memories. Remember, this holiday is closely intertwined feelings of pride, sorrow and joy. And do not forget that these people need attention more than once a year, but always!

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