What to give for the day of St. Nicholas to the child

What to give for the day of St. Nicholas to the child

St. Nicholas Day traditionally begins a series of winter New Year holidays. This day, according to the Christian calendar, belongs to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron of children, merchants and seafarers. In folk practice, it is customary to give children gifts on the night from 18 to December 19. Gifts are put under the pillow or in the shoe. It is believed that if the child behaved well throughout the year, Nikolai will give him a real gift. If it is bad, the pillows will be rogged. For children, this is an important holiday that they are waiting with impatience. To give the baby a fairy tale, to the choice of a gift it is necessary to take responsibly. It should be a spiritual gift that will give the child a particle of winter magic.

Sweets for St. Nicholas Day

Sweets - a traditional gift for children, without any holiday. Now in stores in front of New Year holidays, many bright children's sets with candy. But that the child felt the care of the family, you can cook sweets yourself and originally pack them. Even bought sweets can be turned into sleigh, a Christmas tree or a perky deer. Such a gift will certainly delight a little nail.

Book for St. Nicholas Day

By the Day of St. Nicholas, the book needs an unusual. It is best if she tells the child about the history of the holiday, about the most Holy Nicholas and his acts. If the child is completely small, then you can choose a book of fairy tales on a winter or New Year's theme. The book is a great gift for children of any age.

Board game for St. Nicholas Day

Imagine how the baby will delight the game in the circle of relatives. Be sure to take time and collect the whole family for such a time. In addition, there are ahead of many holidays and weekends that you can spend together.

Puzzle for St. Nicholas Day

Puzzle The child can collect on its own, but you can join the whole family. Better, if it is a puzzle about winter. Collecting it, you can tell a lot to a child about the winter traditions and holidays.

Set for creativity on St. Nicholas Day

This is another kind of gift that pleases absolutely all children. It can be a set for drawing, appliqués or origami. Now in stores for creativity there are sets by which the baby will be able to make his own Christmas toy, a postcard or garland. This gift is not only pleasant, but also useful, because it develops the creative childcakes of the child.

Sledge, skates or skis for St. Nicholas Day

If the baby loves active games, then this is perhaps the best gift from all. Even if there is still no snow, soon he will fall out, and the baby will use the gift with joy.

Original Winter Clothing for St. Nicholas Day

Clothing is a practical gift. So that he brought joy and baby, it is necessary to choose bright clothes with beautiful design. It can be a knitted sweater, original mittens or cap.

A gift should be chosen taking into account the preferences of the child. After all, you see, more pleasant to get what is really waiting for. In order to find out the children's preferences, you can ask to write him a letter to St. Nicholas. But then you have to do what the child asks. To give a child a holiday and a sense of the miracle is completely in the power of parents. Joint time, sincere words and smiles are an indispensable parts of any gift.

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