What to give a man for a birthday

What to give a man for a birthday

First of all, remember, the man is unacceptable to take expensive gifts from weak sex if the person discussed is endowed with self-esteem and dignity. However, a gift should be special and impressive if this person to you Roads. Erroneous opinion what woman choose a gift easier, based on bright pestry showcases what Does not leave the place of creativity and inspiration. Men, because as: I saw, I liked it, bought.

If The future birthday name for you is more than a friend, rather a favorite guy, then try to surprise him with your skill and creativity. Do not go to the store and buy a banal cologne, prefer to demonstrate your beloved that his girl has a good sense of humor, believe me, it is evaluated. However, such gifts are relevant in adolescent and student age. So, proceed. If your boyfriend is not an enemy of alcoholic beverages, prepare a few miniature bottles of brandy brandy and a tin can from chocolates. Scents on the bottom of the patchwork of a beautiful cloth and lay out the bottles, between which we scatter miniature chocolates coins or hearts. On the inside of the lid, write a brief instructions for the use of a gift.

If Your young man does not accept drinking, then bake a sweet pastry and fill it with it. In the case when the girl does not know how to cook, you can replace the flour products by tangerines, cindera Or baby food from childhood "Love IS ...". As a wonderful and original gift option - this is a checkbook on 15 20 sheets. In addition to colorful interpretation, you write a wish on each page that you are ready to perform as soon as your guy will check you. For example, it can be:

  • erotic dance;
  • beer with friends;
  • joint viewing horror;
  • computer games day;
  • massage and others;

Make a congratulatory photo collage or souvenir. Collect the photo you have, or print, order a souvenir in a specialized agency. It can be like clock and print Bedding, or picture with your smiles. For more vivid impressions, print a wish for letters, each of which is on a separate sheet A4. Take alternately Every letter and take a picture of an unusual way, somehow beautiful. Print the photo and put them on the basis so that the letters lined up in the conceived wish - it will be beautiful and effectively.

Now consider gifts for generalized Circle of men. The strong floor prefers utility and practicality, but do not discard the fact that artists and aesthetes are very biased to the design of gifts. If you arebiraget the gift of an intellectual or creative personality, pay attention to the sophistication and original packaging. Now consider the relevance of gifts, in the age category. High school students can give a bomb alarm clock (a call when a wake is characterized by the name) or the steering wheel for the computer. At the age of 15 and 20, you can present an e-book, disk or even a ticket to the concert of the favorite group, cologne, an iPod or tablet.

If Celebration on the occasion of the age of majority, then the gift should be special. Look in jewelry stores: Silver bracelet, cross or thin gold chain. A good gift will be a massive clock. A very bright gift is considered a certificate for a parachute jump or a walk in a balloon. If you arebirate a gift to a business person, then pay attention to the cufflinks, stylish ties, expensive elite handles, organizer or a diary in a leather cover. If you are very close, then give your mu Muphysical intimate gift, for example, kamaprostnyy (made on the principle of playing in twister), which diversifies your relationship and become unforgettable merry gift.

In addition to the above options, do not forget about the classics of the genre: a romantic dinner, a certificate in the spa, a clothing store or household appliances, a surprise party.

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