What to give the boss man for a birthday

What to give the boss man for a birthday

A gift to the head-man should be useful and at the same time solid, because he is the main person in the office, company or department. As a rule, all employees are reset for a gift, which greatly facilitates the task, but even a small amount you can choose the original memorable souvenir.

What should be a gift to the chief

For a gift, the chief in honor of the birthday should not choose souvenirs that symbolize the generation of activities, there are professional holidays for this. The present must be practical, original and intended for personal use. Well, if he will answer the interests and hobbies of the head.

Gift for soul

If the boss is a connoisseur of alcoholic beverages or even a collector, he can give a miniature bar in an interesting design or a bottle of expensive hot drink. Chef-fisherman or hunter will necessarily like an inflatable boat or tent. When there is a hobby, choose a gift easier, the main thing is to find out the knowledgeable, for example, at your wife, which the boss is not yet.

Gifts for relaxation

Such things can be presented to the head if you are sure that he can relax. It can be a miniature Japanese kindergarten or massage chair. If the chef does not hide that he loves hiking to a bath or sauna, he can give a bath accessories with joking inscriptions or symbolism.

Gift motorist

If the boss is a real motorist, he can give a digital breathalyzer, a car refrigerator or a key chain with a lock defrostor, very useful in winter.

Humorous gifts

Not for any leader will suit such souvenirs, but if yours with a sense of humor, then you can give something in the style of "big bump", Forbes magazine with the physiognomy of the head on the first page and a cool signature, caricature of the whole team or "decision maker", In essence, the same thing is that the ball of fortunes is only with the vertict options for subordinates. And perhaps it will be a decorative moonshine apparatus or boots from Couture.

Simple way

Do not hesitate - ask. A good chef will always help its employees with a choice. Maybe, for complete happiness, he lacks a new book of a beloved author or a banal diary. Sometimes inexpensive, but the long-awaited gift is much better than unnecessary belligence, purchased for the fabulous price.

What can not be given to the boss

First of all it concerns money in the envelope. If, in addition to the monetary signs, nothing to your chief is suitable, then it is better to give them in the form of an anniversary silver coin, a gold ingot or another currency that can be converted. Not the best birthday gift will be dishes, bed linen and other household accessories, as well as interior items (these things are more appropriate on other holidays). Do not give a new perfume, flowers or chocolate, if only your head is not a true sweet tooth, and, of course, animals.


To give value to a gift, it is necessary to choose a suitable packaging. You can give preference to classics, standard strict wraps and bans, and you can approach the question creative, order a package with a photo of the team or the chief itself in the non-working atmosphere.

Service etiquette implies that a gift for the manager should cost at least 5% of wages of all donors - and this is a golden middle. Cheap tasteless souvenirs are not needed by anyone, but too expensive the present will be inappropriate, because obliges a birthday party to make a return gift or stay in the debtors.

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