What to give a favorite man for a birthday

What to give a favorite man for a birthday

The question of giving a favorite man for a birthday, worries all women regardless of age and the number of time together. By calling several girlfriends and change the mass of options, it is possible not to decide what to choose this. We will offer you several options that the men themselves defined as the most suitable.

Hobbies and Hobbies

According to statistics, 27% of men would give preference to new techniques, and 18% - a gift associated with his hobby. If you are not strong in technical issues and do not know what he likes it, just watch him. If he loves computer games, then it will probably have to taste any accessory (headphones, steering wheel, joystick with frills or a new licensed game on the disk). If he likes to shoot, he tries himself as a photographer, the best gift to his beloved will be a new device for the camera (flash, lens, a tripod and even a new case for technology). If the guy loves to read, the e-book will become exactly the gift that he needs. But if you noticed creative abilities, or he draws something all the time, "give him a tablet. Of course, such gifts can be quite expensive, but in any store you can always advise a worthy alternative. The main thing is to select the search direction correctly.

Original surprises

Approximately 15% of respondents would prefer precisely an original gift. But if your man is among the lovers of something extraordinary, then you have the opportunity to show all your fantasy when preparing. For example, most of the representatives of the strong half of humanity simply melts from erotic linen and beautiful dances. You can arrange an unforgettable night, while spending funds for yourself, your beloved. If such a gift is just part of the plan, then make several options for congratulations:

  • Direct during the day it is small, but pleasant surprises (delicious lunch, a romantic note, a favorite tea, small presents right to work).
  • Organize a surprise party (before the holiday, pretend that they have forgotten, and have friends to give up an invitation to come to come to a surprise).
  • Book a poster with your photos and funny signatures under them.
  • Give a ticket to the concert of the favorite group or football team.
  • Create romance with your own hands, setting up a picnic in the open air (for example, on the roof of the house right under the stars).
  • Funny gifts with erotic testicle from sex shop will delight those who are a little tired of life.
  • Of course, surprises made by your own hands are always popular, because it can show better feelings than a thing made with love (embroidered pillow, boards of desires, drawn comic, collage of the most fun photo or photos of friends holding inscriptions with wishes bound to the thing and so on).

By the way, 12% of respondents surveyed preferred to the money. If you know that your favorite is a scrupulous pessimist, then do not break the head. Give the amount to which you expect. Let him spend her as it considers it necessary. But an example of a gift for men who dream of their own yacht or the sea.

Objects of household needs

Men, mostly, still pragmatics. As if we, girls, it did not seem strange, but 9% in the form of a gift would like to get clothes or shoes, 7% - decorations and precious things, antiques, and another 9% would be satisfied with gift certificates (for the purchase of equipment, Subscription to the gym).

If you are still in thought that give your loved one, try carefully on the eve of the holiday to find out what he would like. For example, offer him several options to choose from or ask what he would spend the amount you are counting on to buy a gift. In any case, trust your heart and female intuition when choosing. They will not let me be mistaken.

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