How to congratulate brother happy birthday

How to congratulate brother happy birthday

Brother's birthday is an excellent opportunity to show him again his love. After all, who, how not he, was with you all his life? Surely there is a reason to tell him how he is dear to you. Given the list below, you will easily choose the appropriate congratulation and a gift.

How to congratulate brother happy birthday - determine the type of personality of your brother

When choosing congratulations and a gift, think about such items as age, the type of temperament or personality, its hobbies and work. Perhaps you will also help memories from childhood about what you played together or how birthdays celebrated. Folding about it, the brother will not be difficult to congratulate his brother.
Especially pay attention to its type of personality. Depending on the extrovert he or introvert, congratulations and a gift must be chosen in different ways.


If your brother is an extrovert and likes to have fun, arrange an unexpected party. And so that as many friends you can, drinks and food. And even well consider the program for it. Emotions from the day of birth will remain for a long time.
Such people are suitable not only ordinary gifts, but also comic surprises. If you live together under one roof, you can spend the balls and posters with drawings in his room. Do it at night while he sleeps. Or in the morning until he woke up, wake up his song and a delicious breakfast.

If the brother lives separately, do not be lazy to come to his apartment early in the morning. And on each floor, you crawl the balls and his photos with different inscriptions. For example, "if you see this person today, congratulate it", or "carefully, the birthday man." An excellent idea will be invited to an unfamiliar place where they will be waiting for a surprise.

Gifts to extroverts should be chosen from the category of beautiful or those who will help him to collect the friends of friends. Joint games, for example, paintball or board games for the company are perfectly suitable for lovers to have fun. Pictures on the request of a birthday party


If your brother is introvert, do not think to make him surprises. It will only upset him and nothing good will succeed. Better give him a day of silence and peace. So that he could do what he likes. Read the book, dig in a garden or your car. The main thing, no unexpected gifts, like gorgeous guests or a hike in a noisy restaurant. On this day, take care of his comfort and good food. Give him a gift certificate of that store in which he often goes or dreams to visit. A practical gift is also suitable. The opinion of psychologists about gifts to this type of temperament converges in the fact that they love to receive non-standard presents and betray a deep meaning. Therefore, the gift is responsible and thought out.

Pictures on request a man is resting

How to congratulate his brother happy birthday, given his hobbies and work?

Everything is simple here. If he collects the handles, give him the one that he does not have. Loves extreme sports? Give him a parachute jump.
Brother works in the office? Give him a bag for a laptop or a chair for his office. Comfortable, practical things will always be in trend. It remains only to choose what is suitable for your brother.

Pictures on request Parachute jump

And do not forget about the postcard. With it, you can express your relative feelings. Write on how appreciate and love your brother. As you are grateful for the fact that he defended, helped and supported you. He will appreciate it.

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