How to congratulate teachers happy birthday

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday

A very important person in the life of every child is a teacher. She puts knowledge and makes efforts to become a worthy person.

But despite this, teachers are ordinary people, so they want their birthday to become a bright and memorable holiday. And if the day will remember colleagues and disciples, it will be the best gift.

How to congratulate Teachers Happy Birthday - Postcard

Today there are a lot of beautiful ready postcards, but the most pleasant words are those who are told from the soul and written on their own. Greeting card should be thematic with warm words. Congratulations may be in prose or in poetic form. The main thing is that it is memorable. To do this, turn on the fantasy, for example, to use the favorite color of the teacher. You can also do postcard-collage From photos or suitable cuts. If this is a literature teacher, then you can take away the cities in which famous writers were born and send to a kind of trip. Such a surprise will be appreciated.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - b uK

Bouquet - This is an excellent gift to the teacher, the only one needs to think over the original and sincere filing. This bouquet does not necessarily have to be from colors, you can make a composition of sweets or toys. An unforgettable surprise will be a bouquet that is composed of pencils, clips and pens.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - a guide to work with students

To do this, connect about 30 sheets in the book. Make a cool cover or glue the overall snapshot of the whole class. Next print photos of all students and to write instructions for use of Peter, Natasha, Alexander. After that, each student must write from himself congratulations. It should not be learned phrases.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - concert

To use everyone and pre-prepare a scenario. You can meet the teacher on the red carpet! Rooms for the event is better to choose conservative, and melodies - in retro style. Best option is Thematic concert on a well-known work. You can also remove the video about the teacher and show it on the holiday.

How to congratulate Teachers Happy Birthday - Flashmob

I can surprise the teacher flashmobwho will arrange students on change. Captivate pairs and walk with diaries and textbooks. Then proceed to the show. The dance is best started under a school anthem or a popular melody. All movements should be simple and interesting.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - day of self-government

If we consider the organization of the event, this will provide the opportunity to teachers relax and forget about the hassle of gray everyday life, and most importantly, it is to get a great mood.

Thus, it is possible to change roles for a day, that is, the teacher sits at the desk and watches all what is happening, and the student becomes a teacher. As a result, you can understand the views on many things on both sides. The only thing is not to cease, because later does not matter Everything will return to their places.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - sweets

Candy, chocolates are the best gift, but they need to be unusually presented. To do this, buy candy of different species. Then each student cuts the rectangles from bright paper, which will be new candy. Then write warm words on small leaves. Wrap a new candy candy by putting a wish sheet. Then place them in the festive basket, which is also made with your own hands.

How to congratulate teachers happy birthday - balloons

Prepare such a number of balls, how many years is performed by the teacher. Then you can go to predictions. Each ball should include mini forecastsFor example, "so that the day is successful for everyone" or "you have a chic outfit today, and for the compliment you have to put a good assessment." Comprehected what worse. Then tighten each prediction into the tube, fixing the fine tape, and put it in the ball. And then take to the salon where they are inflated helium. It is important not to pull the ball, because otherwise it can burst. Oakha the balls give the teacher and offer to burst every morning One ball and read predictions.

Beautiful words of congratulations on the day of the teacher's birthday from children is a sign of great thanks, which is made from the soul. And the teacher will surely feel positive energy, which means that the success of any surprise is guaranteed. On this day, it is not necessary to skip on the sincere congratulations to the birthday man.

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