How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday original

A modern person is hard to surprise something, but you can try, especially if your friend's birthday is approaching. This is simultaneously an exciting and pleasant holiday. Because a friend is a particle of the soul, without which it is difficult to present your life. On this day, you need to put your fantasy as much as possible and present an unexpected surprise, which is filled with pleasant and long-awaited gifts and emotions! To do this, you just need to imagine what would you like to get on this day and where I would like to celebrate it! After all, real friends have similar tastes, and your ideas will come to a friend who positively will perceive everything that happens!

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday - make a holiday

Surprise is not in the very present and celebration in the restaurant. It is necessary to do everything so that the birthday man does not recognize about your plans. To do this, you need to call all those invited and choose a place to celebrate after a surprise will be presented to a friend. Be sure to warn everyone that the birthday man does not know about your plans.

Surprise in the form of a large cake, festive caps, balloons and slappers will surely please your friend. And the main thing in all this is the complete absence of any congratulations, so that the chief culprit of the celebration thinks that everyone forgot about him.

To do this, you need to charge a person to bring a birthday book to the specified place. It can be a colleague on work that will inform him that the cafe will have dinner with partners. And to meet a birthday party will be all invited joyful flashers and congratulations. This surprise will surely enjoy the birthday name.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday - congratulations

A great way to congratulate your friend is numerous congratulations. To do this, contact your acquaintances with a request to send the text to a specific number with the words: "Congratulations on your birthday of the best friend." The birthday name will be pleasantly surprised by such a number of messages from unknown numbers. He will not be able to guess who was the initiator of such an idea.

To increase the number of messages, you need to use the social network in which people on such posts react very quickly. It is important that the birthday room does not see your surprise earlier than necessary, because otherwise he will not succeed.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday from your favorite singer or group

Another surprise, which is pretty hard to implement, is congratulating the beloved actor or singer.

Of course, you know the idols of your comrade. To go to one of them, you can see its touring schedule on the official website. The ideal option will be the arrival of the artist in your city for the birthday of Comrade! To do this, you need to contact him for personal congratulations to a friend. If he is far away, then you can ask to make a voice message with beautiful words. Such surprises have not left anyone indifferent.

How to congratulate a friend happy birthday party

If the birthday girl invited guests to celebrate his birthday, then you need to make a maximum effort so that the party does not turn into an ordinary feast. So, an excellent option will be the creation of a mini-concert. To do this, guests need to prepare rooms.

Surprise a birthday boy!

  • Any gift will be unforgettable and original if you present it an extraordinary and unusual way. So, an excellent idea can be writing a song. Such a surprise will remain for a long time in memory of the birthday.
  • Also an unusual gift can be chosen in the bench of unusual gifts. For example, a glowing alarm clock, a mug with an inscription or interesting interactive things.
  • Your friend goes to work on the car every morning and listens to the radio, then he will be pleased to hear congratulations on their lives.
  • Banal, but very spectacular congratulations written by shallow on the asphalt. Your friend looks outside and sees such a sight that will pleasantly please.

In general, the best of all gifts are bright and mental words that will be written on a simple postcard. Surprise your friend with original congratulations quite not easy. But if you turn on all your fantasy, you can organize a chic surprise. The main thing that is needed on the birthday is to know about the wishes of the birthday man. And only then this day will remain in his memory for a long time!

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