How to congratulate your loved birthday

How to congratulate your loved birthday

The birthday of a loved one is a very responsible holiday for every woman. After all, words for congratulations should be original and mental, and surprise unexpected. Book as a gift, flowers in our country are not accepted, so you need to look for other options how to hit your soul mate and make a holiday unforgettable.

How to congratulate your loved birthday - Morning congratulations

You can start congratulations from the morning. To do this, cook an original breakfast, then submit it on a decorated tray directly to bed. At the same time, the surprise can be supplemented with a fun card with warm words. Thus, you positively set up a birthday boy from the morning.

After the man is fed, you can continue to amaze it. So, you can give him a favorite magazine with its own image on the cover, which you need to order in advance in local grades.

How to congratulate your birthday happy birthday - Romantic Walk

If the birthday of his beloved fell on a wonderful warm day, besides also the day off, then you can invite it to take a walk. Most likely in the city where you live, there are many places associated with happy moments of your first dates. Therefore, the main goal is to awaken the cooled feelings and emotions. To do this, you need to walk along the alleys where the first kiss or recognition happened.

The route of your walk should be carefully thought out, you will be a guide at the places of past memories. The end of the planned route can be in a cafe where your common friends will be waiting.

The emotions you presented this way is much more valuable than bought things. The main thing is not to be afraid to play past memories, because it can cause the ocean of positive emotions.

If this day was rainy weather, then a virtual walk of the house is suitable. For this you need a projector and champagne. The video can be mounted with photos of memorable places for nice music.

How to congratulate your beloved happy birthday - surprises on working day

If the birthday fell on a working day, then there are many options how to congratulate the birthday room.
So, you need to buy many baubles and pack them beautifully. Throughout the day, the beloved person wakes up such surprises, starting with his car and ending with the desktop drawer.
And during lunch, you can invite a birthday room in a cafe in which the festive table will be waiting.

How to congratulate your loved birthday - a childhood holiday

You can congratulate your beloved old proven method - this is a noisy company. Arrange a cheerful feast will help friends. It will be expensive, but the resulting emotions are worth. A loved one loves bright shows and exciting contests, then an ideal version will be the evening on which it will be the center of attention.

Merry feast, dancing and beloved music, an excellent company - all this is associated with the feast of childhood. Everyone knows that all men in the soul are like children, so you need to organize a bright holiday. This can be done at home, but for this you have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. It is also recommended to prepare your favorite birthday dishes or come up with something new. To the evening was not boring, you need to think up in advance the entertainment plan, which includes fun games quiz and contests.

How to congratulate your loved birthday - a gift

If you decide to give a gift to her husband or guy, then it should be desired. Therefore, you need to know in advance about his desires, hobbies. Correctly choose the gift is not enough, the main thing is how to prevent it. If it is a lighter, it should be with engraving in the form of warm words. If the birthday girl wants a player, then you need to record pleasant congratulations on him in advance. And every time, including the player, the beloved will remember you.

Options, how to congratulate your beloved man, a lot. Everyone can choose a suitable way according to its capabilities and desires. It should be remembered that this day is very important for the parents of the birthday man. Therefore, be sure to congratulate my mother and dad with the birth of a wonderful son, for them it will be more than nice. On this day, it is necessary to take into account the interests of a loved one, so if you wish to celebrate in the sports bar, it's not necessary to refuse him.

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