The 14th of February

The 14th of February

February 14 is a holiday of love for many centuries. The history of his occurrence is romantic, and modern traditions are touching and beautiful. On Valentine's Day, fates are connected and fiery recognition sounds, and the energy of happiness is hung in the air.

The holiday roots lie in the times of the Roman Empire. Due to the lack of live military power, the Emperor Claudius II forbade the legionnaires to marry so that they think less about the family and more - about combat exploits. But the hearts of young soldiers still sought to the beloved, and then the priest Valentin began to be secretly walked. Later, the emperor learned about the underground activity of Valentine and sentenced him to the death penalty. However, the image of a romantic priest stayed in the souls of lovers, and his name was called the feast of love.

In Europe, Valentine's Day is celebrated from the XIII century, in the CIS countries for February 14 appeared only at the end of the XX century. Today this date is unthinkable without hearts, gifts and recognition. The already established couples arrange unusual dates, and the secret fans open the objects of their feelings in the hope of reciprocity.

The symbol of the holiday is a little greeting card with recognition - Valentine's. She also owes an ancient times with his appearance: Before the execution of Priest Valentin handed the lady of the heart a note, where he told about love. Since then, it is customary to send the message to whom you love. Today, Valentine is also given to close friends or relatives as a sign of warm feelings. For your favorite cards create manually or search for this, which would express all the words and emotions, driving out of the soul.

To pleasantly surprise half on a festive day, you need to stock ideas in advance. We offer to get acquainted with the tips " How to spend February 14" and " What to give for Valentine's Day" These simple recommendations will make your holiday really special.

Interestingly, not all over the world Valentine's Day is the same. For example, in Denmark, instead of postcards, it is customary to give dry white flowers, in France - jewels, in Japan - chocolate. In the UK, unmarried girls should be waking up to dawn and look out the window until any man passes. According to believe, it will be the narrowed. Saudi Arabia distinguished more than others and forbidden to celebrate on February 14.

The day of lovers became so popular that thematic goods on the eve of the holiday are not worse than New Year. So, every heart filled with love wants to share his warmth and warm the half in the frosty february evening.

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