How to congratulate on March 8

How to congratulate on March 8

Holiday March 8 is looking forward to every girl, girl, woman and grandmother. And all men await this holiday with a headache, because the annual surprises are arranging - the case is very serious and responsible, requiring careful preparation. How to congratulate on March 8 so that the positive emotions from the holiday for a long time were subject to discussion in the circle of girlfriends.

Flowers. Let it be the most banal and brought a given gift, but all the same women love them. The main thing is that the flowers are presented not at the end of a festive day, as an apology for being late with a gift, but as soon as you saw the object of donation. Therefore, the bouquet take care in advance. There is even a special science - a fluorography that helps in the language of colors to express their feelings. For example, the wish of all the good is encrypted in colors - yellow poppy, peach flowers, buttercup, secret confession in love - roses without spikes, red tulips, forget-me-not. Careful with bouquets of white carnations and lobelia. These flowers will tell you your negative attitude towards a person.

Sweets. All women love sweet, even if they are sitting on diets all the time. Chocolate in gift packaging will be a good gift for women in the working team, and for relatives and friends you can create a chocolate masterpiece with your own hands. In confectionery workshops there is a special service for everyone who wants to personally prepare sweets of any form.

Postcards. Although it is believed that postcards give only little boys, do not discard this option. You can make not only a small postcard, in which, thanks to your fantasy, accommodate all your wishes, but also create a whole wallpaper from joint photos, individual pleasant memories. From small homemade postcards, you can make a whole quest that will lead your choices to the chief gift of the day.

Romantic breakfast or dinner. In the kitchen, a woman spends most of his time. Therefore, on March 8, one of the best gifts will be full or at least partial release of it from the kitchen duties. Surprise your women an unusual delicious breakfast. After eating, do not forget to get closer in the kitchen. In the evening, arrange a beloved romantic dinner with candlelight.

An offer of marriage. If you are confident in your choices of the heart, then the proposal of the hand and hearts in such a romantic day will be a great gift of beloved. Prepare the conditions for admission to love and desire to connect your destinies so that the girl does not guess in advance about it. You can use all the above Methods of congratulations on March 8. If you all succeed, then you will proudly tell your grandchildren with pride.

Ideas for congratulations on March 8 are a lot, these are joint campaigns in the movie, theater, even on the rink. And all sorts of romantic baubles, and souvenirs will be perceived with a bang. After all, modern strong women get tired of constant rivalry with men and at least this day want to lose all their concerns on men's shoulders, hide behind a mighty back and get the attention that is so lacking on ordinary days.

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