How to congratulate on February 23

How to congratulate on February 23

Initially, the holiday was conceived as honored people. But this day congratulates all representatives of the male floor, i.e. This is a real male day. And therefore on February 23, each family member should pay attention, even the very small. In accordance with the status of congratulations will be different.

For small representatives, buy a ticket to Circus. While son or brother sleeps, put a present under the pillow. When he wakes up, wish him to grow a real defender of the family and the Fatherland. Great mood guaranteed. With a teenager, visit the Museum of Military Topics, for example, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War or Martial Technology.

Call dad from the morning and tell me how appreciate it. With a personal meeting, give an expensive alcohol or a practical thing based on his interests. If he is an avid fisherman - a fishing rod, if he behaves a healthy lifestyle - an expander. On this day, show the care of your father's health. Give a home massager.

February 23, your loved one will please your concern and attention. Prepare the wallpaper, where they describe the feats of their hero, his merits to society and personally before you. Choose funny photos with him. The effect of a gift will complement the festive dinner. Substitute dishes in the shape of a red star, helmets and numbers 23.

Collectors congratulate the whole team. Pick up the verses on the Internet and send them by corporate mail. Write different wishes on small pieces and put them in a beautifully decorated bag. At the lunch break, collect all men and offer everyone in turn to get a sheet with a fare.

A close friend is nice on this day to get a campaign set, a flask or movie ticket for an adventure film. The rest of the buddies will send SMS greetings or a postcard on the social network.

Let February 23, all men will receive well-deserved attention, and your presents will bring joy. Then the female holiday with confidence expect no less pleasant surprises.

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