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  • Marriage
    The relationship between a man and a woman is an eternal topic for conversations and writing articles. Cardinal differences between the sexes lead to the fact that it is extremely difficult for us to understand each other: sometimes words and actions acquire a completely different, non-clear and suspicious form.
    13.10.2018 395 1
  • Marriage
    Romantic relationships are not always going smoothly: even in strong pairs, quarrels are inevitable, misunderstanding or cooling to each other.
    24.04.2018 335 1
  • Marriage
    Wedding is a great sacrament, a huge step for a married couple, in which the Union of Two Lovers is blessed.
    24.02.2018 328 0
  • Marriage
    The blessing of the parents before the wedding is an important ritual, without which, according to believing, young will not live happily.
    12.10.2017 381 0
  • Marriage
    Divorce is an unpleasant procedure, which is associated with many bureaucratic moments and requires significant time costs.
    04.09.2017 419 0
  • Marriage
    The result of long-term relationships between spouses is often increasing misunderstanding, fading feelings. Work, home care is greatly tightened with its routine.
    01.06.2017 435 5
  • Marriage
    Unfortunately, over the existence of a family, married quarrels often arise, and there may be many reasons for this.
    07.05.2017 402 1
  • Marriage
    There are such families who are vital for state protection and support. We are now talking about families where at least 3 children are raised - large.
    08.04.2017 453 0
  • Marriage
    Offering hand and heart, a man must give the girl a ring and only after a positive response, a couple chooses the wedding rings together.
    23.03.2017 415 0
  • Marriage
    The location of the stars, the Phase of the Moon and the constellation, under which you were born, can have a very noticeable impact on your life.
    07.02.2017 440 0
  • Marriage
    The gap of married relations is not always a mutual desire of the parties. Often the initiator enters only one of the spouses and then the divorce is carried out unilaterally.
    26.01.2017 447 0
  • Marriage
    A man and a woman understand the importance of relationship in different ways. For a man, at first the bulk role is played by the external component - the attraction, proximity, the opinion of friends about its chosen, a sense of self-importance.
    18.01.2017 452 0
  • Marriage
    Family life is full of both joys and adversity. Often conflicts arise between her husband and wife.
    22.11.2016 496 1
  • Marriage
    Today to give money to the wedding is already becoming a tradition. After all, such a gift will be gladly the bride and groom, they will be able to buy everything they wish.
    24.10.2016 591 1
  • Marriage
    Sooner or later, any relationship is suitable for their logical junction. Suggest to connect your life with another person is just as hard as parting.
    09.10.2016 453 0
  • Marriage
    It is believed that men are creatures serious and independent, but contrary to all they also need attention and care.
    10.09.2016 538 0
  • Marriage
    Everyone knows that the marriage ceremony, which for the majority happens once in life, is only the beginning of a series of anniversary weddings.
    18.08.2016 567 0
  • Marriage
    Wedding invitation - an integral attribute of the upcoming holiday. You need to cook in advance, because guests can also have their own plans that they must adjust to catch the celebration.
    12.08.2016 564 0
  • Pregnancy
    The conception of a child is a very responsible and important moment in the life of every person. But not every sexual act is directed to the creation of a new life.
    03.02.2016 760 0
  • Marriage
    In the modern society, the foundations of the marriage rushes. Statistics argue that every year of divorces is becoming more and more.
    22.12.2014 801 2
  • Marriage
    At all times, women in their numbers won in men: the war takes the strong, then the girls are born more.
    26.10.2014 758 2
  • Marriage
    Some men have not yet matured for marriage. Even if you persuade him to marry, it is unlikely that such a marriage will be long and happy.
    27.09.2014 1659 1
  • Marriage
    After several years of collaboration, the spouses can lose interest in each other. The lack of bright events, household quarrels, the flow of life in gray everyday life gradually lead to the fact that the spouses are about what to talk, besides the discussion of a family life, her husband is more interesting to spend time with friends in the bar than in bed with his wife, and they are moving away from each other .
    16.08.2014 1886 2
  • Marriage
    If you have become an eyewitness of the scandal, turned out to be involved in it or in every way provoke to the conflict, the main thing is to know exactly how in such a situation you need to behave correctly.
    21.07.2014 2013 0
  • Marriage
    Wedding, congratulations, a ring on hand ... Many women seem to be that only happiness, because they deserve it, and the duty of a man is to do everything so that it was.
    19.07.2014 1021 1

