How to choose a wedding ring

How to choose a wedding ring

Offering a hand and heart, a man must give the girl a ring and only after a positive response, a couple chooses the wedding rings together. This is a very responsible and touching moment when preparing for the wedding. At first It seems that the very rings are not difficult to find, but because of the modern large selection of newlyweds you have to spend a lot of time on this process. We have prepared for you a few tips that will help when choosing wedding rings. Read our article and coming to the jewelry store, you will know what to pay attention and choose the perfect option.

How to choose a wedding ring - Metal selection

To begin with, decide on the color of the wedding rings. Color depends on the metal from which they are made. Wedding decorations are taken from red gold. But the fashion did not stop at this and now in jewelry stores there are wedding rings made of yellow, white and combined gold, less commonly there are models of silver. To choosing such beauty you need to approach very critical, no matter how difficult it was. except criteria Like / I do not like to consider the practical side of the question. Buying silver Rings, remember, they are softer gold and to keep the primordial look, they will often be removed.

Pay attention to the contents of your casket. What products do you wear most often? You will have to combine them with a wedding ring. Full-sighted and practical pairs buy models from combined gold. The combination of several metal tint in one product allows you to carry it with any jewelry, which will definitely please the girls. In addition, the combined gold allows you to select various sets of female and male rings. Sample Different models and see how they look on the hand, and indeed, whether they are suitable for you.

How to choose a wedding ring - the cost of the rings

Of course, these unforgettable and happy moments of life do not want to think about such landed things, but ... if you do not open a bank account for several hundred thousand dollars, then too expensive buying your budget may not pull. In order not to have misunderstandings, discuss in advance with the bride, which you can allocate to the purchase of wedding rings. Do not be discouraged if the price is not high - love is not measured in the amount of money spent on a gift.

How to choose a wedding ring - Production quality

Buying rings, you must be 100% confident in their quality. Under no circumstances buy Rings in unknown stores. First, a gold ring can be hidden at an affordable price, but an ordinary jewelry. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden to carry other people's wedding rings - they can only be inherited. Pay attention to the inner surface - there must be a sample marking.

Why engagement Ring should be smooth

The fact is that the smoothness of the wedding ring is associated with smoothness in the relationship. It is believed to be faceted or riflentes Rings will make relations with bumps, and conflicts and quarrels will be repeated Constantly, as if in a circle.

How to Choose Wedding Ring - Stones

As we said, the ring should be smooth. If you want to buy a ring with a stone, pay attention to the channel leaf. The stone at the same time is fixed in a special recess and does not go beyond the surface of the ring. Such a fastening is quite reliable, and the ring remains smooth.

How to choose a wedding ring - form

There are various variations of shapes of wedding rings:

  • with flat external and internal profile;
  • convex outside, but flat inside;
  • convex and from the inside, and outside;
  • with furrows outside.

How to choose a wedding ring - Tips

  • Metal is a matter of taste. The most popular option is white gold, after it is plain and yellow gold.
  • Do not know what your future wife likes - her mom is 100% knows.
  • Do not buy a ring without a bride. She may not like the form, color or some other item. This moment detach special attention because engagement Ring She will wear all your collaborative life.
  • Avoid jewelry supermarkets, Lombards and jewelry centers. There you will find only fraudsters and the terrible quality of products.

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