How to return the former husband

How to return the former husband

Wedding, congratulations, ring on hand ... Many women seem to be ahead of only happiness, because they deserve it, and the duty of a man is to do everything so that it was. How hurts, when one day he leaves. Everything collapses, and you do not know how to live on.

Sit and think: Maybe you yourself pushed him to this? Whether you followed by? Did you try to create comfort and cozy atmosphere in the house? After all, no matter how much they talk about equality, keep homemade hearth is still the responsibility of a woman. If the husband went out not to another, but just ran away from constant scandals and reproaches, from the eternal robe and curlers on his head, then the answer is obvious - change. Imagine that after a while, the fugitive will take to see with children or pick up some of his belongings or a favorite book. And here you meet him - quite another: calm, well-groomed, without any complaints, and in the house removed and smells something tasty. Be sure: he will try to find many prepositions to go more often and once will remain forever.

It is more difficult to return the husband, if he left not in the midst of the next quarrel, when the emotions hit, and quite in the right mind and hard memory, thoroughly prepared: "Sorry, another loved." As it is not bitter, you should not fall into depression, blame it in all or what is even worse. Of course, there is something and your share of guilt in something, but reflect sober and constructively - what to do to his return? First stop crying, trying to delete - it will definitely not help. Charges in dishonesty and threats - will further approve him in the thought that he is right. Let him go quietly, and you are distracted by children, on yourself. Sign up for fitness, order a couple of new outfits, go to the party, let you notice. Your self-esteem will increase. If you still want to return it, come up with how to meet you. Seeing something new in you, maybe for a long time forgotten, he will be interested. If another is only a hobby, not love for life, then you will not first look for meetings. Do not give up immediately until you see that he seriously intends to return to the family.

Address of his wife very hurts on male pride. Return a family life into normal course after that difficult. If you still regret your act and want to return your husband, then first of all do not hold it forcibly. Let him come to himself, cool, and you call him, tell me that the children want to see dad. When I come, meet care, tell me that they have always loved and love him, and the situation with treason has arisen under the influence of alcohol or just by chance and you did not know what they worked. Show how you appreciate it that everything in the house is falling apart, what kind of caring wife you are and how we are waiting for his return. Sooner or later, I will not stand and stay at home.

Remember: Return a former husband only need if you really love, and if not, then let go. The wounded pride is not a reason to fight for him.

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Sveta 12/02/2021 at 22:53

I loved my husband very much and I still love. But in one day I had collapsed. Family and marriage just did not stay anything .... Blood, begged, threatened .... Mother went to the mistress. I lost the meaning of life. Girlfriend seeing my suffering, advised to contact Irina. Thanks Irina huge. I returned my husband to the family. The husband is shielded on his knees, cried, begged to forgive ... so far together. If you need help write Irina on Watsap +79506515445. It is better not to call. And competitors who watered her mud on different sites, know how strong it is a strong magician and are afraid of it.

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