How to return guy

How to return guy

Any relationship is a fragile web, woven from mutual care, love, tenderness and common interests, on which you need not only constantly work, but also to protect. If this does not happen, it rushes, the relationship crumbs. And one of the once durable union goes, as a rule, a man. The girl remains alone with the burning loneliness and an annoying question: how to return a cute heart, that without which the world becomes gray, and the realities and the future are sad and bladder? There is no universal means for this, since all relationships are unique. Yes, and as one sage said, it is impossible to return the person, just he himself can return. You will need to push it to this.

Despite the internal devastation, you should not close it in yourself, otherwise it is fraught with an increase in the depressive state, which will not bring you to the goal. Continue contact with relatives, friends, buddies. No less harmful in such cases allow emotions to completely capture themselves. Try to control them, do not dominate them over your mind. Overcome your indignation, irritation, egoism and ambition, although it is not easy. For the successful implementation of the conceived, you must be balanced and calm. Initially, you need to relax and take yourself to take yourself, so treat yourself to a shopping, visit the spa, clinging off for your interesting courses, look into your favorite pastry and allow yourself a couple of cakes. After all, a fell into an apathetic state, you will make sure that you do not, and myself. Do not think to try to call his pity, by this you can provoke the emergence of a completely different feeling - dislike.

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For the first days, any girl will overwhelm and feelings of injustice, resentment, regret, so abstract from the situation for a while, let emotions to cool, because for further action you will need clear consciousness and objectivity. Then you need to clearly answer for yourself, whether you need this person who threw you. Remember everything that happened to you when you were a pair. And not only good, but also negative moments. It should be understood whether Love is moving or the wounded pride forces you to return everything to reversal. In the second case, the planned can be empty spending time. Having achieved the goal, you realize that this person you no longer need. At the first option, configure the painstaking work at both yourself and above the change in the current situation. All negative do not forget to cross out the soul and thoughts, because they are material.

How to return the guy6.

Analyze your relationship to identify the cause that contributed to its care. As a rule, disasters and cracks in relations appear in cases where the partner displaces something expected. The sense of dissatisfaction with their half accumulates and leads to the union rupture. You could limit his freedom or be overly obsessive, to pay him not enough of his time, to forget to be interested in his problems and affairs, to be too capricious, roll up scandals and hysteries on trifles. Be honest with you, if so, then configure changes in yourself and do not repeat more former errors. If your pair just cooled a passion that is quite natural for long relationships, you will have to take measures to renew it. And in the case when the guy went to a new passion - find out what she surpasses you and become better to her head. You can do it, for example, through common with his environment.

The girl thought

Do not think to exhaust it with persistent calls and letters, especially if they remain unanswered, that you will only cause irritation that you are not on your hand. Do not speak about it negatively in a circle of common acquaintances, it will aggravate the situation. And even more so, do not threaten something with you, it will push him forever. Do not try to revenge former or try to cause jealousy with a new young man, even if the beloved went to another. He may not forgive this, because Men owners. But here you can afford with other guys you can afford, especially if you are sure that your beloved will be reported about it. He must understand what you like to other men. Remember that he will not be able to love you again until you do it yourself. Improve the already beautiful appearance, lead an active lifestyle, see earlier unknown, achieve victories in any spheres. Your former beloved should realize that he lost it is not easy pretty, but a luxurious lady. Your successes will only play your favor, because guys prefer such purposeful girls.

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Think out the place of your first, allegedly a random meeting, on which only say hello, without giving your excitement and joy to see him. We confidently calmly, but you should look amazing. Do not be just too cold, but stay mysterious. Now you only need to free the place in his thoughts for your person. Let him think, remembers, argues. Then arrange more frequent meetings, speak with him, but about relationships - not a word, postpone it for a later date. Find common, neutral themes, avoid emotionality. Well, if he immediately goes to contact, if not - die a little dust and turn on the natural trick, become just a close friend for him. And then everything is only in your hands. By the way, try to enlist your mother's support to enlist your mother's support - this is a strong ally.

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Another version of the development of the events is possible: Starting a new life stage in an attempt to return his former, you will succeed in it that you will understand how much he did not appreciate you, and that you do not need one who did not want to share this beautiful life with you.

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