How to attract guy's attention

How to attract guy's attention

Here it is! Handsome, clever, styling and one who does not notice you. What needs to be done to attract the attention of the guy? And what to do exactly?

Pay attention to your appearance. Beautiful makeup, shiny hair, tightened a figurine - this is exactly what guys like it. Just do not need to think that the brighter makeup, the better. In the afternoon, calm, matte tones are recommended, but for the evening they are already suitable and pearl. Pay attention to the nails! If you are painting them with varnish, then he should in no case be cutting even at the tips. If not, then there's no dirt under the nails so that they are neatly cut and fed. Hair should always be clean and shiny. Men love their eyes, and they will definitely pay attention to a well-groomed girl.

It is not necessary to persecute him, men do not love obsessive girls. Nevertheless, you can be not enough with him in one company, in one queue, next to trolleybus. Ideal if you have common acquaintances. So you can learn better about him, about his tastes, and also faster to be at a party where he will be. After all, at a party or disco to get acquainted much easier.

Pay attention to what you are dressed. Decolt and mini skirt will definitely make attention to you, but consider you more serious than a girlfriend for the night, it is unlikely to. Men love dresses that and the figure is tightened, and leave a riddle for him. As for the color, it is important to stick to the golden middle: bright colors may look causing, "screaming" and repulsive, but if they are moderately at a stylish suit, then he will like it. But from gray and black flowers it is better to refuse. In these gray mice, on which men do not react, because they prefer a spectacular companion next to them. You can choose and calm colors, but add bright accessories to them, beautiful shoes and handbag.

Shoes also attracts men's attention! Thin and elegant boats, stilettos shoes, beautiful boots impressed men. Yes, and legs in them look slightly and more attractive than in trendy, but coarse uggs, for example.

Do not take the glance when he looks! Finally, you waited when he drew attention to you, he looks intently, studies. And you did not come up with anything better than just turning away or quickly take a look. So he will understand that it is absolutely not interesting to you. Better "shoot" eyes: Look at him, smile a little, then transfer the look at the subject that lies nearby, then again on it. If he understands that you are flirting with him, then take the first step to meet you. After all, the guys are also indecisive, and if there is a chance to get a refusal - they are unlikely to go to the first step.

If it's not at all turns out to attract his attention - take the first step and come. Invent the topic for a conversation that will not end with one single response. Or, if you are together at a party, invite it to the dance, during which the conversation will be started.

Do not forget to laugh and smile! Guys like cheerful girls with whom it is easy to understand their jokes.

If you want to attract his attention, then try not to replay. And do not forget that the initiative should come from it too, otherwise you are unlikely to do something.

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