In society it is customary that the guy should offer to meet, not a girl. But is it worth living in templates and always do what they are waiting for us? If you really like a young man, but he lacks courage to decide on a serious act - take the first step yourself.
First of all, you must understand that it just does not offer anyone anyone. If you communicate a certain time with a guy and feel that mutual sympathy arose between you - then just start acting. If there is no romantic impulses from the young man from the young man - it is better not to hurry with a proposal to meet, otherwise you risk getting a refusal.
Being near the subject of your sympathy, try to be natural and relaxed. No need to climb out of the skin, to seem better than you really are. To begin with, make a warm friendship with a guy and try to make you spent as much time as possible together. It is not necessary to stay alone at the same time, you can simply be in one company. The main thing is that you often communicate and closer learned each other.
If you already have a sufficient amount of time familiar with a young man and have no discomfort, being close to him - you can safely go to the next level of relationship. No need to think through this special time and place - the fact that the situation is ease, the better for you. One day, you may not be able to offer: "Maybe we should become a couple?". The main thing is to be confident on everything one hundred.
Excessive decisiveness and pressure can be hammered by any young man, so you do not need to do everything according to the pre-harvested scenario, theatrically pronouncing every word. Let your words go from the heart itself, be touching and cute, so that the guy does not even mind you to refuse. Try to give to understand your chosen one that after your relationships will come from friendly in romantic, in fact nothing will change, you just get closer to each other. A man must understand that his freedom does not threaten anything, and that he does not lose a faithful friend in your face.
It is best if the guy himself decides to offer you to meet. More precisely, you will not pose it to this, only he will not know about it and will think that the situation is in his hands. To achieve the desired, you will have to make several unequivocal hints that the young man is not indifferent to you. Allocate it from the company of guys, laugh at his jokes, make it compliments, admire him by masculine, see more often in his eyes, and while talking to his hands, as if by chance. All these hints will be given to understand the man that he definitely has a chance to hope for reciprocity on your part.
As you can see, it is not difficult to offer a guy a romantic relationship, the main thing is to make sure that this person is really worthy of your efforts. Do not be afraid to be incomprehensible, do not be afraid to take the first step, because your happiness depends only from you.