How to attract love

How to attract love

Love is one of the strongest experiences. But for some reason, a wonderful feeling bypasses many people by the party. We gathered advice psychologists and famous specialists in the field of love, which will be able to ask a faithful direction to attract the desired partner.

There are techniques to help attract love, for example: creating a matrix of the future partner, the correct thought form, love mandala, meditative rituals, visualization, etc. But it is important to know that these rituals will not work without aware of some psychological aspects. Many people do not understand until the end, which means become "ready for relationships." What should I start to attract love? Now we will analyze every aspect separately.

Why many people are so missing love? The answer is contained in the question. Most people are waiting that the one who fill her with happiness will appear in their lives will save from loneliness and gray everyday life. But the flower-taper period will end quickly, and gray weekdays will appear in life. There is one very good phrase: "A person gets exactly what corresponds to." Therefore, if you yourself do not fill yourself with energies, harmony and happiness, you will not meet the desired person. You can try to look happy, but the illusion dispels very quickly.

Find what makes your soul sparkle, and sing your heart. Take the case to bring you joy and income to you. Dedicate the time to your self-development and never cease to learn a new one. You will not only be happy, but also an interesting person who will attract others. It will be great if you meet a person with similar hobbies.

Watch your body and appearance. Do regular sports, eat right, take care of your skin. Put yourself a goal look worthy - you will achieve it. It also plays an important role to attract love.

Create an image of your loved one. You must understand with what kind of person you will feel good. It is worth noting that many people only on the slope of the years do discoveries. For example, all his life they thought that they like one type of people, but it turned out that they were happy with others. Make a partner energy matrix - a list of its qualities. The significance of this exercise is that by formulating the image of the future chosen one, you create an intention that will run the search mechanism.

Take a piece of paper and write a positive thinking about what qualities you have what kind of people attract which partner next to you, etc. You can write everything that you want. Write in the present time. Then take a glass with water and put it on the sheet. Throw your palms and imagine that there is a bunch of energy. Place your palm around the glass, without touching it. Say the described tolerant and imagine it. Drink water. This exercise is recommended to do every morning after waking up and before the departure to sleep. The energy of your hands will strengthen and localizes the intention.

For the next exercise you will need 3 red candles and aromatic oils (sandals, rosemary and ylang-ylang). Determine the southwest apartment. On Friday evening, mix aromatic oils in the same ratio (you can 4 drops each). Deliver 1 candle and burn it. While the candle burns, tune in to attract love and experience happiness from it. Take a ritual every day until all the candles burn. It is important to know that it can be carried out only after cleansing the room. This means that you need to get rid of the old trash, to carry out general cleaning and start making a new, positive energy into our home.

Create a mandala of love. Experts argue that this technique is also very effective because the energy embedded in drawing will attract the "order". You can create an absolutely any mandala, pick up the colors and patterns. Before you an example of excellent mandala. But you have the right to create a drawing easier or more complicated. The main thing is that he liked you personally, and you received pleasure from the process. During the drawing, tune in to love and positive emotions. When everything is ready, place the drawing into the frame and hang it on the wall.

We regularly visualize. Imagine a happy life in all areas, but do it so to feel that you have all already got. Live with these sensations every day. Remember that power within you is more powerful any external strength and circumstances.

Surround yourself with happy people. Surely you noticed that many intuitively stretch to successful and happy people. Everything is simple: next to them they themselves feel happy. Positive condition charges and I want to experience again and again. To realize how much the environment affects our life, ask yourself a question, how do you feel on the ocean in the delicate rays of sunset and in the center of a stormy metropolis in an hour-peak? Immediately it becomes clear.

Love all around and give the surrounding love. At the same time, do not try to feverishly search for a partner. Live a harmonious, strong and happy life - the Universe will definitely provide you with a chance to get acquainted with the "thus" man.

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